NAL-i5K / tripal_eutils

ncbi loader via the eutils interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

Invalid name syntax error #240

Open dsenalik opened 1 year ago

dsenalik commented 1 year ago

Loading a bioproject with this module, you may encounter the error shown below. This is a drupal 7 bug as described in this issue and can be resolved by using the patch described in that thread, specifically:

This issue is here to let people know about this, and resolution will be when drupal 7 patches this bug.

Running 'NCBI EUtils Accession loader' importer
NOTE: Loading of file is performed using a database transaction. 
If it fails or is terminated prematurely then all insertions and 
updates are rolled back and will not be found in the database

INFO (TRIPAL_EUTILS): Inserting record into Chado: bioproject: 750852
Inserting record into Chado: bioproject: 750852
ERROR (TRIPAL_EUTILS): SQLSTATE[42602]: Invalid name: 7 ERROR:  invalid name syntax
LINE 6: AND pg_attribute.attrelid = '.chado.project'::regclass
[site http://default] [TRIPAL ERROR] [TRIPAL_EUTILS] SQLSTATE[42602]: Invalid name: 7 ERROR:  invalid name syntaxLINE 6: AND pg_attribute.attrelid = '.chado.project'::regclass                                    ^
SQLSTATE[42602]: Invalid name: 7 ERROR:  invalid name syntax
LINE 6: AND pg_attribute.attrelid = '.chado.project'::regclass
[site http://default] [TRIPAL ERROR] [TRIPAL_JOB] SQLSTATE[42602]: Invalid name: 7 ERROR:  invalid name syntaxLINE 6: AND pg_attribute.attrelid = '.chado.project'::regclass                                    ^

Committing Transaction...