NARUTOfzr / Neptune_3

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(Better?) Bed PID Tuning Defaults #31

Closed David-McKenna closed 1 year ago

David-McKenna commented 1 year ago

Hi @NARUTOfzr,

Following on from some discussions in #22 I've been trying to merge the changes made back into a clean Marlin fork, but was initially having issues with getting the bed to reach whatever target I gave it (65, 60, 50...) and isolated it to be a side effect of the (soon to be 1.0.5) current beta firmware enabling PID tuning. Swapping back to stock 1.0.4 worked fine, but the stock beta firmware continued to fail.

I ran "M303 E-1 C10 S60" to get some parameters for the PLA profile, and came up with some wildly different parameters than the Marlin defaults. I've opened this PR encase you want to take them, or use them as a sample to update the defaults to some more general defaults (it's a bit chilly over here already, so these may be a bit excessive for warmer climates). Either way, it might not be best to ship 1.0.5 as-is, as I would never have been able to get my bed up to temperature with the defaults used here.


mlee12382 commented 1 year ago

M303 not M304 :) and if pid is enabled for the bed it should definitely be tuned, I've run into that issue several times myself which is why my firmware versions have closer pid values so it's less likely to go into thermal runaway immediately. I'm not sure having it enabled for the bed in the stock firmware is the best idea unless there is also the ability to tune it from the screen on the printer. Having advanced firmware with it is fine as most people that are likely to use it probably know how to use a terminal program. If it's included in stock it definitely needs better default values as you and I have done. :)

David-McKenna commented 1 year ago

Bah, I can still see M303 see in my pronsole history, should have just been lazy and copy/pasted it. Cheers @mlee12382, updated the references

NARUTOfzr commented 1 year ago

@David-McKenna @mlee12382 Thank you for your constant attention and support! The PID of the hot end and the hot bed usually need to be adjusted. Since the temperature is different in each place, it may be a better choice to turn off the PID of the hot bed.