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Incorrect stepper divers in 'configuartion.h' #68

Open lordgitface opened 1 year ago

lordgitface commented 1 year ago

Helping a friend with his machine I wanted to know if the TMC2225 & TMC2209 are set to use UART or not and when looking through the source files noted that the steppers are set to A4988.

So this means that the drives are been run in standalone mode badly missing out on a lot of the reason to use TMC drivers in the first place.

mlee12382 commented 1 year ago

They are not being run in uart or spi. There is no way to set them up that way either.

lordgitface commented 1 year ago

I know they are not being run in UART mode as stated originally.

So this means that the drives are been run in standalone mode badly missing out on a lot of the reason to use TMC drivers in the first place.

mlee12382 commented 1 year ago

Right but the hardware is not capable is what I'm getting at. The hardware design is not ideal. I was told, and I'm not sure I necessarily believe it, that since they're not physically connected in a way that supports uart or spi that the A4988 definition rather than a TMC2209_STANDALONE definition doesn't really make a difference. I do agree there's a lot of potential left on the table due to poor choices.