NARUTOfzr / Neptune_3_Pro_Plus_Max

Firmware file
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Issues with the z in the Display Beta Firmware #29

Closed afruzu closed 1 year ago

afruzu commented 1 year ago

It's quite difficult to explain in words what happens during printing after the last display firmware update: the z coordinate still gives problems. When printing a given layer, despite the position of the print head only varying on the xy plane and the height from the plane should be constant, the figure shown by the display for the z coordinate undergoes an unexpected modification frequently and for a few moments: it seems that the coordinate in mm (for example 22.340) is converted like a flash by shifting its digits and inserting a certain number of zeros in front transforming it into a decimal of the type 0.xxxx (i.e.: the above measurement is shown for a moment as 0.0223) and then return immediately after to show again the correct value in millimeters. This appens frequently, one time every 10 seconds. Initially I thought it might be a z-hop problem but I checked the slicer settings and can rule this out. A check on the routines that print the z value is needed.

I would also like to show the Elegoo developers that, for many users like me, the representation of the thumbnail of the object being printed is an unnecessary frill, which I don't use so as not to have too heavy a gcode. The area reserved for the thumbnail on the display screen therefore appears completely useless, just as I believe that the display firmware code could be considerably simplified by eliminating this function or making it optional at the user's choice, allowing the freed resources to be dedicated to showing other printing parameters that would instead be useful to keep under control.

很难用语言解释上次显示固件更新后打印过程中发生的情况:z 坐标仍然存在问题。 打印给定层时,尽管打印头的位置仅在 xy 平面上发生变化并且距平面的高度应该是恒定的,但显示器显示的 z 坐标图形会频繁且短暂地发生意想不到的修改:似乎以毫米为单位的坐标(例如 22.340)通过移动其数字并在前面插入一定数量的零将其转换为 0.xxxx 类型的小数(即:以上测量显示为片刻为 0.0223),然后立即返回以再次显示以毫米为单位的正确值。 这种情况经常发生,每 10 秒一次。 最初我认为这可能是一个 z-hop 问题,但我检查了切片器设置并可以排除这个问题。 需要检查打印 z 值的例程。

我还想向 Elegoo 开发人员表明,对于像我这样的许多用户来说,正在打印的对象缩略图的表示是不必要的装饰,我不使用它是为了避免 gcode 太重。 显示屏幕上为缩略图保留的区域因此显得完全无用,正如我相信通过取消此功能或将其设为可选以供用户选择,可以大大简化显示固件代码,从而使释放的资源专用于显示其他有助于控制的打印参数。

afruzu commented 1 year ago

Having said that, I would like to apologize to my Elegoo support friends because I always write about problems and never talk about the great quality of my new Neptune 3 PRO printer: you did an excellent job, thank you, my printer works great, perfect prints and almost never problems, clean nozzles and no clogging, it's really a pleasure to use this printer, I'm recommending it to anyone who asks me and I say this not because I'm sponsored but from the heart!

话虽如此,我想向我的 Elegoo 支持朋友道歉,因为我总是写问题,从不谈论我的新 Neptune 3 PRO 打印机的卓越品质:你做得很好,谢谢,我的打印机工作得很好,完美打印,几乎没有问题,喷嘴干净,没有堵塞,使用这台打印机真的很愉快,我向任何问我的人推荐它,我说这不是因为我得到赞助,而是发自内心!