NASA-AMMOS / 3DTilesRendererJS

Renderer for 3D Tiles in Javascript using three.js
Apache License 2.0
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Spatial filtering : clipping/cropping tiles or mesh data via a given primitive (AABB, OBB, projected polygon, clipping planes collection etc) #457

Closed jo-chemla closed 9 months ago

jo-chemla commented 10 months ago

Following a recommendation to open a dedicated thread , this issue is meant to discuss what would be a good implementation/considerations to clip or crop a 3d-tiles tileset based on a given clipping/cropping entity.

For context, we are using this implementation of the 3d-tiles threejs renderer + other building blocks to sync multiple typologies of 3D-data: OGC-3D-tiles (hence also google 3d-cities), Potree tiled pointclouds (photogrammetric 3d-scans), gaussian splats, oriented images and orthos, etc. All these datasets live in a single threejs scene and are placed in a unified geo-referenced coordinate system. Example here - you might have to go to the Layers panel, toggle visibility for the basemap layer and select Google 3D Tiles. Note this is based on the potree+cesium implementation, syncing a cesium viewport in the background with a transparent potree/threejs viewer, not the NASA-AMMOS implementation which is being worked on.

Since there is strong overlap between our 3d-scan (for example, a monument) and the google 3d-tiles (the basemap/background of the whole area or city), we would like to filter out the 3d-tiles tileset, clipping or cropping the inside (or the outside). This clipping could happen

Existing reference implementations:

Hence the question: what would be the best way to do clipping/cropping with 3DTilesRendererJS? The original thread would involve editing the calculateError(tile) logic to check if the tile bbox don't resides within the described clipping entity, then set its error to a large value.

jo-chemla commented 10 months ago

[Edited the original post to be more precise describing how clipping/cropping in/out a 3d-tileset with oriented bounding boxes, clipping planes, polygons etc could work]

gkjohnson commented 10 months ago

So to clarify - you basically want to clip polygon shaped holes (or inverted) into tiles so that other data sets can fit into those holes, correct? The first step is just clipping the geometry based on the desired shapes. Filtering out downloaded tiles based on those clip shapes is just an optimization.

For clipping, three.js' clippingPlanes feature should support this for convex shapes. You can modify the global clip planes on the Renderer or on individual materials in the onLoadModel to apply them more specifically. Have you tried this? Concave shapes will need something more complicated, though, if you need that.

Cesium clippingPlanes collections make it easy to define any arbitrary shape. The globe vs 3d-tileset implementation differ in that one accepts convex or concave and the other does not - see

Looking briefly at the Cesium code I don't see where concave polygons are supported. Do you have an example? I don't see the ability to make clip shapes in this example here.

jo-chemla commented 10 months ago

Hi Garett, Yes indeed, filtering the geometry is good enough - just thought discarding tiles based on the fact that their bounds were yes or no within the clipping entity would be easier, but it is indeed an optimization.

three.js clippingPlanes was indeed the way to go, thanks for that pointer!

renderer.localClippingEnabled = true; renderer.clippingPlanes = clippingPlanes;


 - In order to be able to clip either inside or outside of the clipping volume, it was necessary to do so at the material level, setting the attribute `clipIntersection = true` to do the intersection of clipping Planes positive half-spaces rather than their union: 
clippingPlanes_outsideMaterial = [
  new Plane(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), 4000000),  
  new Plane(new Vector3(0, -1, 0), 4000000),
  new Plane(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), -1000000), 
  new Plane(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), -4500000), 
  new Plane(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), -5000000), 
  new Plane(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), -1000000), 
tilesRenderer.onLoadModel = function (scene) {
  scene.traverse((c) => {
    if (c.isMesh) {
      c.material.clippingPlanes = clippingPlanes;
      c.material.clipIntersection = true;


Filtering by convex clipping volumes defined by clipping planes on the material is therefore the way to go for us, thanks! Finally, regarding the last points,


gkjohnson commented 10 months ago

The Polygon clipping example with a concave polygon I had in mind is implemented in Potree itself (see below screenshot for the location of the tool on potree ui, not accessible through the GUI on our app). I could not have it work here, but this is where it is defined in the vertex shader code - boolean test that should work for concave polygons if I remember correctly.

It looks like this works with basic concave polygons using a point containment by checking the number of edges on one side of the point. This is something that can be implemented in a custom three.js shader.

PS just saw this example of clipping with your three-mesh-bvh library, impressive visualizations by the way!

Thanks - that example is modifying the geometry itself which can have some pros and cons compared to shader-based clipping but generally it will be more complicated, i think.

just thought discarding tiles based on the fact that their bounds were yes or no within the clipping entity would be easier, but it is indeed an optimization.

If this is an optimization you need and would like to add to the project I'm happy to talk through how that could be done. It would boil down to adding the ability to use custom volumes for triggering / filtering out tiles to download instead of just using the camera frustums. Especially if trying to render tiles only within a volume, as you've shown here, it could be a significant improvement in the number of tiles that need to be downloaded.


gkjohnson commented 9 months ago

We can reopen if it looks like something else needs to change to support this or you want to discuss other query mechanisms.

jo-chemla commented 9 months ago

Thanks again for the help, all is good as is!

jo-chemla commented 9 months ago

For reference, Paul from our team just pushed a PR to Potree showing integration of a Potree georef'ed dataset (all datasets stored on are georeferenced, stored in a projected CRS) with your 3d-tiles renderer:

Will probably craft a demo tomorrow for socials. Again, thanks a lot for your help!

Live example here : Pointcloud URL: Height Offset: 156 Google 3d-tiles api key required

jo-chemla commented 9 months ago

For reference, here is the above example with

gkjohnson commented 9 months ago

Looks great! Seems like the clipping plane worked well.

jo-chemla commented 9 months ago

Yes that's really gorgeous, plus replicable for any georef'ed scene - and depth integration is a real bonus compared to simply compositing a cesium viewer renderer behind the threejs/potree scene as in the potree-cesium example.

We also had some fun computing a rigid transform from one Coordinate System to the other since both datasets are expressed in different CRS (our is country-wide CRS or UTM etc, while Google 3D Cities is ECEF EPSG:4979), by using proj4 to convert from CRS1 to CRS2 coords of a local origin and three axes vectors, using the resulting coords to compute a basis rotation of the axes. Seems that it does work most of the case, but having some trouble I'm investigating.