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'ait-tlm-db-insert' Influxdb Test #245

Closed Futabay closed 4 years ago

Futabay commented 4 years ago


  1. AIT is installed with virtual environment
  2. Virtual environment is started by typing workon ait on your working terminals
  3. Pcap file needs to be available. For this test, pcap file was created. Please see issues#244 about the pcap file creation.
  4. Influxdb1.2.4 environment needs to be established. For this test, a Dockerfile was created. Please see issues#243 about Dockerfile creation.
Futabay commented 4 years ago

Test Steps:

  1. Set config.yaml as follows:

        dbname: ait
            - plugin:
                name: ait.gui.AITGUIPlugin
                    - log_stream
                    - telem_stream
                    - command_stream
            - plugin:
                name: ait.core.server.plugins.data_archive.DataArchive
                    - telem_stream
                    - 8086
                datastore: ait.core.db.InfluxDBBackend
            - stream:
                name: log_stream
                    - 2514
            - stream:
                name: telem_stream
                    - 3076
                    - name: ait.core.server.handlers.CCSDSPacketHandler
                      packet_types:   {'01011100111' : 'CCSDS_HEADER'}
  2. Open a terminal, start influxdb docker image and influxdb

    1. Go to the Docker file directory and run docker container
      $ docker container run -p 8086:8086 -h influxdb --name influxdb_ait -v <your/host/directory>:/var/lib/influxdb -d influxdb

      OR if you have the container still in the process, simply start the container.

      $ docker ps -a      #check if you have the container
      $ docker start <container_name>
    2. Get into influxdb container terminal
      $ docker exec -it influxdb_ait /bin/bash
    3. Start influxdb and check available databases
      [root@influxdb /]# influx 
      Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.2.4
      InfluxDB shell version: 1.2.4 
      > show databases
      name: databases
    Note: For this test, `ait` database exists since the database was already created in [this test steps]( You can also simply create a database by running `> CREATE DATABASE mydb` command ([]( 
  3. On the different terminal, start ait-server

    (ait) $ ait-server
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.378 | WARNING  | Config parameter command.history.filename specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/cmdhist.pcap
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.380 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.mib.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/config/mib
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.382 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.datasink.outgoing.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/ait/dsn/cfdp/datasink/outgoing
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.384 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.datasink.incoming.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/ait/dsn/cfdp/datasink/incoming
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.386 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.datasink.tempfiles.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/ait/dsn/cfdp/datasink/tempfiles
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.388 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.datasink.pdusink.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/ait/dsn/cfdp/datasink/pdusink
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.390 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.1553.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/downlink/1553
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.392 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.bad.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/downlink/bad
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.394 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.lehx.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/downlink/lehx
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.396 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.planning.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/planning
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.398 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.sdos.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/sdos
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.400 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.uplink.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/uplink
    2020-02-22T21:27:36.402 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.ats.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/ats
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.209 | WARNING  | No handlers specified for stream log_stream
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.212 | INFO     | Added inbound stream <PortInputStream address=:2514>
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.492 | INFO     | Created handler CCSDSPacketHandler for stream telem_stream
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.494 | INFO     | Added inbound stream <PortInputStream address=:3076>
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.496 | WARNING  | No handlers specified for stream command_stream
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.498 | INFO     | Added outbound stream <PortOutputStream name=command_stream>
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.659 | WARNING  | [GUI Playback Configuration]Unable to locate DataArchive plugin configuration for historical data queries. Historical telemetry playback will be disabled in monitoring UI and server endpoints.
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.663 | INFO     | Running AIT GUI v1.4.0
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.667 | INFO     | Added plugin <Plugin name=AITGUIPlugin>
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.670 | WARNING  | No plugin outputs specified for ait.core.server.plugins.data_archive.DataArchive
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.808 | INFO     | Starting telemetry data archiving
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.812 | INFO     | Added plugin <Plugin name=DataArchive>
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.814 | INFO     | Starting <Broker at 0x108263ef0: _run> greenlet...
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.816 | INFO     | Starting <Plugin name=AITGUIPlugin> greenlet...
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.818 | INFO     | Starting <Plugin name=DataArchive> greenlet...
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.820 | INFO     | Starting <PortOutputStream name=command_stream> greenlet...
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.821 | INFO     | Starting <PortInputStream address=:2514> greenlet...
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.824 | INFO     | Starting <PortInputStream address=:3076> greenlet...
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.827 | INFO     | Subscribing <Plugin name=AITGUIPlugin> to topic log_stream
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.829 | INFO     | Subscribing <Plugin name=AITGUIPlugin> to topic telem_stream
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.831 | INFO     | Subscribing <PortOutputStream name=command_stream> to topic AITGUIPlugin
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.833 | INFO     | Subscribing <Plugin name=DataArchive> to topic telem_stream
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.835 | INFO     | Subscribing <Plugin name=DataArchive> to topic 8086
    2020-02-22T21:27:37.836 | INFO     | Starting broker...
  4. On another terminal, invoke ait-tlm-db-insert command  

    (ait) $ ait-tlm-db-insert --packet CCSDS_HEADER --backend influx <your/preferred/directory>/<some_name>.pcap
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.560 | WARNING  | Config parameter command.history.filename specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/cmdhist.pcap
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.562 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.mib.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/config/mib
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.566 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.datasink.outgoing.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/ait/dsn/cfdp/datasink/outgoing
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.568 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.datasink.incoming.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/ait/dsn/cfdp/datasink/incoming
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.570 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.datasink.tempfiles.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/ait/dsn/cfdp/datasink/tempfiles
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.571 | WARNING  | Config parameter dsn.cfdp.datasink.pdusink.path specifies nonexistent path </some/path/to>/AIT-Core/ait/dsn/cfdp/datasink/pdusink
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.573 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.1553.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/downlink/1553
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.575 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.bad.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/downlink/bad
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.577 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.lehx.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/downlink/lehx
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.579 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.planning.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/planning
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.581 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.sdos.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/sdos
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.583 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.uplink.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/uplink
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.585 | WARNING  | Config parameter data.ats.path specifies nonexistent path /gds/dev/data/LMC-062858/2020/2020-054/ats
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.802 | PROGRAM  | <your/directory/to>/.virtualenvs/ait/bin/ait-tlm-db-insert --packet CCSDS_HEADER --backend influx <your/preferred/directory>/<some_name>.pcap
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.849 | INFO     | Processing <your/preferred/directory>/<some_name>.pcap
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.866 | INFO     | Inserted 1 CCSDS_HEADER packets into database ait.
    2020-02-22T21:30:45.868 | PROGRAM  | done.
  5. Go back to Influxdb terminal (docker), verify that the data was inserted in the table

    > use ait
    Using database ait
    > show measurements
    name: measurements

select * from CCSDS_HEADER name: CCSDS_HEADER time apid checkword_indicator data_packet element_id format_id frame_id packet_length packet_type secondary_header_flag sequence_count sequence_flags time_coarse time_fine time_id type version version_id zoe

1582428329000000000 743 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

6. Type `exit` to stop influxdb and type `exit` to stop influx docker container

exit [root@influxdb /]# exit exit

7. Stop docker container

$ docker stop influxdb_ait

8. Type `Ctrl+C` to stop `ait-server`

Note: When test is done, and you want to remove docker container & image from your host.
Remove docker container
 $ docker rm influxdb_ait
 Remove docker image and dangling images
 $ docker rmi influxdb
 $ docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)

Futabay commented 4 years ago

Found bugs: Please see Issues#244 for the information

MJJoyce commented 4 years ago

Looks like relevant issues were closed in #254