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access to vector layer in viewer #32

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

hi.i have an issue accessing to vector layers in viewer. vector layer section is kind of reddish and when i put cursor on the layers it shows "no waiting sign" sort of thing. i am very naive with whole MMGIS but really interseted to work with it. i would really appreciate if you walk me through the process of adding vector layers and basemaps to my project just like perseverance interactive map.

Screenshot (1142)

fcalef commented 3 years ago

Hi! Apologies, been on Marstime. Looks like you made a lot of progress in getting MMGIS running!

The vector layers are red because they can't find the files. Check under the 'Missions/Test/Layers' folder and see if any of the files are there. If they are, you should go to the Configuration page and check whether the Layers are point to the correct location, which should be `Layers/filename.json' where 'filename' is the name of the above layers. As for the 'Tile with DEM' layer, you can check it in the same way.

Check the wiki here about the Configuration page:

Check out the wiki for information about configuring Layers:

As for adding in other datasets, you can generate raster basemaps using the program:

For vector data, you should use GDAL ( Specifically, the ogr2ogr program which can convert shapefiles (and others) to GeoJSON format, which is what MMGIS uses. In addition, the GeoJSON needs to have coordinates in longitude and latitude. If you have a shapefile that was already in longitude and latitude, you should run the GDAL command like this:

ogr2ogr output.json input.shp

or if the shapefile (assuming something on Mars) is in projected units (e.g. Equidistant Cylindrical meters), you'd need to convert them to longitude and latitude:

ogr2ogr -t_srs "+proj=longlat +R=3396190 +no_defs" output.json input.shp

The output would look something like the Perseverance rover waypoints:

and rover traverse:

For the Perseverance rover, you can grab some basemap here:

For example, you could make a new mission called "Perseverance" in the configuration, then make a layer called 'Basemap', 'Traverse', and 'Waypoints'. You can use the files above for the latter two layers, but for the basemap you can tile one of the Perseverance ones from above: python JEZ_ctx_B_soc_008_orthoMosaic_6m_Eqc_latTs0_lon0.tif (data from

Check back in if you have success or have more questions.

ghost commented 3 years ago

thank you very much for your kindness and help