Multi-Mission Geographical Information System - Web-based Mapping and Spatial Data Infrastructure for Planetary Science Operations -
Clicking a feature adds a small descriptor to the topbar.
Add the following to the that topbar descriptor:
Left and right arrows (support arrow keys too)
First and last arrows
Expandable menu with options for
In current screen view
Pan/zoom to
On field (else sequential)
Each vector layer will have new configuration options to set these defaults
If layer is a dynamicExtent, query DB
If the layer is a time layer and the next feature is outside the current time window, expand time window.
If multiple features are collide for being next, select the last match and lightly highlight all the others (info tool supports multiple selections but only the current one gets highlighted in red -- this makes secondarily selectable ones visible on the map)
Checked for duplicates
Yes - I've already checked
Alternatives considered
Yes - and alternatives don't suffice
Related problems
No response
Describe the feature request
Clicking a feature adds a small descriptor to the topbar.
Add the following to the that topbar descriptor: