NASA-AMMOS / aerie-cli

An unofficial CLI for interacting with Aerie planning software
MIT License
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Separate sim config commands #106

Open cartermak opened 7 months ago

cartermak commented 7 months ago

Currently, the plans command has sub-commands for create-config and update-config. It would be helpful to create a config sub-command of plans with its own CRUD sub-commands (or, more likely, just CRU).

cartermak commented 7 months ago

Quick script to get the sim config:

Get the full configuration used for a given simulation.

This script will load the current active Aerie-CLI session.

import json
import argparse
from pathlib import Path

from aerie_cli.utils.sessions import get_active_session_client

query GetSimulationConfiguration($sim_dataset_id: Int!) {
  simulation_dataset_by_pk(id: $sim_dataset_id) {

query GetEffectiveModelArguments($model_id: ID!, $arguments: ModelArguments!) {
  effectiveModelArguments: getModelEffectiveArguments(missionModelId: $model_id, modelArguments: $arguments) {

def main():

    # Parse command-line arguments for inputs
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--sim-dataset-id", type=int,
                        help="ID of simulation dataset")
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=Path, help="Output file")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Get active session from Aerie-CLI (same as any Aerie-CLI command would use)
    client = get_active_session_client()

    # Get the model ID for this simulation dataset (used later)
    plan_id = client.get_plan_id_by_sim_id(args.sim_dataset_id)
    all_plans = client.list_all_activity_plans()
    model_id = next(
        iter([p.model_id for p in all_plans if == plan_id]), None)
    if model_id is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to get model ID")

    # First, get the arguments as stored in the database. This excludes defaults from the mission model.
    arguments = client.aerie_host.post_to_graphql(
        GET_SIM_CONFIG_QUERY, sim_dataset_id=args.sim_dataset_id)["arguments"]

    # Next, get the full effective arguments, including mission model defaults.
    resp = client.aerie_host.post_to_graphql(
        GET_EFFECTIVE_CONFIG_QUERY, model_id=model_id, arguments=arguments)

    if not resp["success"]:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to get effective arguments")

    # Write output JSON file
    with open(args.output, "w") as fid:
        json.dump(resp["arguments"], fid, indent=2)

if __name__ == "__main__":