NASA-AMMOS / aerie-cli

An unofficial CLI for interacting with Aerie planning software
MIT License
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fix empty directive name #140

Open bradNASA opened 1 month ago

bradNASA commented 1 month ago

Theresa's suggested fix for using the directive type also as the directive name when name is empty for plan uploads.

joshhaug commented 1 month ago

Presumably this would mean that a directive with name == "" is not treated the same as a blank field.

cartermak commented 1 month ago

@joshhaug My thought too. I'd like that we can preserve an empty name, and only a None gets turned into the activity type name?

joshhaug commented 1 month ago

@cartermak just saw your comment but not sure I understand your question. It looks like there is an issue in 2.12 that causes name=="" to prevent activities from appearing on the timelines.

cartermak commented 1 month ago

Is this a bug or an expected behavior? If this is a bug, and an empty name should generally be acceptable, then I think Aerie-CLI should support it and I expect Aerie would resolve. If an empty name is not allowed, then I might argue for explicit handling of that case on the client side (e.g., report an error) instead of defaulting to a behavior like automatically assigning a name.