NASA-AMMOS / aerie-ui

The client application for Aerie.
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UI shows incorrect changes during merge request in certain cases #1276

Open dandelany opened 1 month ago

dandelany commented 1 month ago

Checked for duplicates

Yes - I've already checked

Is this a regression?

No - This is a new bug



Describe the bug

While testing merge request behavior with the Clipper team, we found a few cases where the UI displays the changes in a merge request incorrectly. In all cases, the changes were handled correctly by the backend/database after merging, so they seem to be display issues only.


1. "Created by" incorrectly highlighted if "Last Modified By changes". a. In a branch, find an activity directive with "last modified by" set to a different user than you. b. Make any change to the directive and submit a merge request c. In the merge review, "created by" is highlighted as if it is changed, even though only "last modified by" is changed.


2. Changing anchored "relative to" incorrectly displays "To Plan" instead of parent activity a. In a branch, select an activity, open the "anchor" dropdown and set a "relative to" parent directive to anchor it to. b. Submit a merge request c. On the left side of the merge review, the incoming change to Anchor "relative to" shows "To Plan" instead of the expected chosen parent directive.


3. Changing activity Anchor position (start/end) doesn't get highlighted a. In a branch, select an activity that is already anchored to another activity. b. In the "anchor" dropdown, change the "Anchor" Start/End setting & create a merge request c. On the left side of the merge review, the incoming change to Start/End is not highlighted yellow like other changes.



No response

System Info

OS X, Chrome

