NASA-AMMOS / aerie-ui

The client application for Aerie.
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Fix plan metadata name input reset on snapshot preview #1358

Closed duranb closed 3 days ago

duranb commented 3 days ago

This fixes an issue where selecting a snapshot clears out the plan name input field, and fixes another issue where closing a snapshot preview doesn't reenable the delete buttons in the directives table.

This also makes the BulkActionDataGrid component a little more reusable outside of plans.

To test:

  1. Create a plan
  2. Add some directives
  3. Open the Plan Metadata panel
  4. Create a snapshot
  5. Select the snapshot to preview
  6. Verify that the plan name input doesn't get cleared out
  7. Verify that the delete icons in the table a disabled properly
  8. Close the snapshot preview
  9. Verify that the delete icons in the table a enabled again