Visualization of CALIPSO (VOCAL). A CALIPSO Cross Cutting tool for visualizing data
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Output Coordinates in Database #114

Open kdottiemo opened 8 years ago

kdottiemo commented 8 years ago

Chip has been using output from VOCAL, in the available CSV format. It's great to have some feedback from him as a pseudo-user of the program, but in his usage, he decided that it is very important that in the CSV file, the coordinates of the vertices of the drawn polygon are available in terms of (time, altitude).

kdottiemo commented 8 years ago

I am nearly done with this issue, but I am running into a formatting issue. See attached screenshot. importwithcoordinates

Each DatabasePolygon's list of coordinates is actually a unicode string (if I'm understanding that correctly.) So I go through a series of strippings, splittings, zippings, reformatting and tuplings to make a list of tuples. The database doesn't actually want to display a list of tuples as they would normally be displayed in simple output to console like so:

['(03:42:52, 16.652)', '(03:42:53, 12.766)', '(03:43:00, 15.754)', '(03:42:59, 17.954)', '(03:42:56, 19.240)']

Does anyone who knows more about the database have a suggestion for making the list of coordinates display better? Props if it doesn't have to be "massaged" much to also be output as .txt or .csv.

kdottiemo commented 8 years ago

Fix: #115