MCP Scripted Deletes for Migrated Data (PLACEHOLDER)
// From our discussion on this topic.
Just to clarify what we're doing.
[x] DONE - Make Sub Tickets for some of these items below (See Below for Ticket List)
-Getting the inventories for MCP
-Filtering down the list to ONLY the granules that exist in
--CBA PROD (S3 Files Hosted Verification)
--CBA PROD DR (Orca Backed Up Verification)
--CMR (EarthData Published Verification)
This filtered list is now the list of Verified Ingested and Published Granules
Then we are going to iterate that list and
-Delete MCP S3 Files
-Remove Dynamo DB Entries for only those files
-keep an inventory of all the files are deleted from MCP. This makes backfilling to DMS easier if it is necessary.
Doing this for MAXAR and PSScene
Then at some future time, DMS will be able to simply pick up the state of the files and do be connected to the automation we are all still building.
MCP Scripted Deletes for Migrated Data (PLACEHOLDER)
// From our discussion on this topic.
Just to clarify what we're doing.
Then at some future time, DMS will be able to simply pick up the state of the files and do be connected to the automation we are all still building.
Tasks List