NASA-IMPACT / evalem

An evaluation framework for your large model pipelines
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[WIP] Experiment v0.0.3a with NASA v6 model #13

Closed NISH1001 closed 1 year ago

NISH1001 commented 1 year ago
NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 1

Using train-watbertv6-squad-2ep model mapped only the QA head to RobertaForQuestionAnswering and using evalem.evaluators.QAEvaluator() on squad v2

The model mapping logic looks like:

def load_model(
) -> RobertaForQuestionAnswering:
    config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(config_path)
    state_dict = torch.load(pth_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
    model = RobertaForQuestionAnswering(config)
    required_keys = model.state_dict().keys()

    state_dict_new = OrderedDict()
    for key, val in state_dict.items():
        key = key.lstrip("sk_heads")
        if key.startswith("."):
            key = key[1:]

        if key == "task_heads.qa_head.qa_outputs.weight":
            key = "qa_outputs.weight"

        elif key == "task_heads.qa_head.qa_outputs.bias":
            key = "qa_outputs.bias"

        if key not in required_keys:

        state_dict_new[key] = val
    model.load_state_dict(state_dict=state_dict_new, strict=False)
    return model

Validation Set

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 498,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8749428449729656}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 1486,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.6292059219380888,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 498,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.8959647784007141}}}]

Train Set

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 4652,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8999344308604981}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 4652,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.7818142734307825,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 4652,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.9333546560845649}}}]

With deepset/roberta-base-squad2 model trained on SQUAD-v2, the metrics are


[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 498,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8984785462195101}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 1486,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.6608344549125168,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 498,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.9145569508553953}}}]


[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 4652,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.900906346324613}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 4652,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.7818142734307825,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 4652,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.9349720046558909}}}]

cc: @muthukumaranR @xhagrg

NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 2

Using a full validation set using train-watbertv6-squad-2ep model:

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8915889391748646}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 20302,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.6127967687912521,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.9091273137464949}}}]

Using DistilBertForQuestionAnswering on same dataset (default QuestionAnsweringHFPipelineWrapper())

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8492370725944365}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 20302,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.5774307949955669,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.8677135502536183}}}]

Using RobertaModelForQuestionAnsswering

wrapped_model = QuestionAnsweringHFPipelineWrapper(
    predictions_postprocessor=lambda xs: list(map(lambda x: x["answer"], xs)),
[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 1,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8961578651210724}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 20302,
   'empty_items': 4,
   'exact_match': 0.6172036653857523,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 1,
   'f1': {'score': 0.9126484736361342}}}]
NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 3

On squad-v2 86k training set

using the NASA v6 train-watbertv6-squad-2ep

{'AccuracyMetric': {'accuracy': {'score': 0.8707644373263648},
                    'empty_items': 0,
                    'total_items': 86821},
 'ExactMatchMetric': {'empty_items': 0,
                      'exact_match': 0.7325992559403831,
                      'flattened': True,
                      'total_items': 86821},
 'F1Metric': {'empty_items': 0,
              'f1': {'score': 0.9208171457265248},
              'total_items': 86821}}
NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 4 : Model directly loaded through primeqa class template

train-watbertv6-squad-2ep RobertaModelForDownstreamTasks model


[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8915889391748646}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 20302,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.6127967687912521,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.909127313746495}}}]


{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 86821,
  'empty_items': 0,
  'accuracy': {'score': 0.8707644373263648}},
 'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 86821,
  'empty_items': 0,
  'exact_match': 0.7325992559403831,
  'flattened': True},
 'F1Metric': {'total_items': 86821,
  'empty_items': 0,
  'f1': {'score': 0.9208171457265248}}}
NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Re: The code to evaluate is something like:

from primeqa.mrc.models.task_model import ModelForDownstreamTasks
from primeqa.mrc.models.heads.extractive import EXTRACTIVE_HEAD

from evalem.evaluators import QAEvaluator
from evalem.pipelines import SimpleEvaluationPipeline
from evalem.models import QuestionAnsweringHFPipelineWrapper
from evalem.misc.datasets import get_squad_v2

config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(<path_to_config_json>)

model = ModelForDownstreamTasks.from_config(

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(<path_to_tokenizer>)

wrapped_model = QuestionAnsweringHFPipelineWrapper(

data = get_squad_v2("validation", nsamples=None)

# sort to optimize the inference
inputs, references = zip(*sorted(zip(data["inputs"], data["references"]), key=lambda x: len(x[0]["context"]+x[0]["question"])))
data = dict(inputs=inputs, references=references)

evaluators = QAEvaluator()
eval_pipe = SimpleEvaluationPipeline(

results = eval_pipe(
NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 5 : Evaluate on Earth-Science Data

Using the V6 model, and doing barebone QA pipeline:

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.6485626505207466}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.3162393162393162,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.752370960575804}}}]

Using only the is_impossible true questions/context, the classification report is

   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.0}},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 78, 'empty_items': 0, 'f1': {'score': 0.0}},
  'PrecisionMetric': {'total_items': 78,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'precision': {'score': 0.0}},
  'RecallMetric': {'total_items': 78,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'recall': {'score': 0.0}},
  'ConfusionMatrix': {'confusion_matrix': array([[ 0,  0],
          [78,  0]]),
   'labels': ['False', 'True'],
   'flattened': True,
   'total_items': 78,
   'empty_items': 0}}]

This specific was done through a new custom Classifier

class QAClf(QuestionAnsweringHFPipelineWrapper):
    def _predict(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        accum = []
        for inp in inputs:
            res = []
            for preprocessed in self.pipeline.preprocess(inp):
                model_outputs = self.pipeline.forward(preprocessed)
        return accum
NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 5.1: ES Evaluation with plausible answers

QAEvaluator with plausible_answers + answers

Adding plausible_answers along with answers to the references for each question-context, we have:

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 139,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.5858646795838852}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 139,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.26618705035971224,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 139,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.6872523842725322}}}]

QAEvaluator with only plausible answers

Using only the plausible_answers set:

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 22,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.25242547051057684}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 22,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.0,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 22,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.34092211879481804}}}]

Semantic Metrics with only plausible answers

[{'BertScore': {'total_items': 22,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'bertscore': {'score': 0.5337053449316458,
    'precision': 0.5626290399919857,
    'recall': 0.53028473935344,
    'f1': 0.5337053449316458,
    'hashcode': 'bert-base-uncased_L9_no-idf_version=0.3.12(hug_trans=4.27.4)'}},
  'RougeMetric': {'total_items': 22,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'rouge': {'rouge1': 0.2746537599478776,
    'rouge2': 0.194448408734123,
    'rougeL': 0.2734842019601378,
    'rougeLsum': 0.2784270397906761}},
  'MeteorMetric': {'total_items': 22,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'meteor': {'score': 0.25063900377028847}}}]

Here's the prediction dump for these 22 predictions: es_prediction_plausible_answers.csv

NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 5.2 : Finetuned Model on answerable text

Using primeqa.mrc.trainers.mrc.MRCTrainer on 117 total train set and evaluating on the train set itself, we have significantly better performance

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.7754180480704133}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.39316239316239315,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.8674849685441913}}},
 {'BertScore': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'bertscore': {'score': 0.8790242371396122,
    'precision': 0.9054728822830396,
    'recall': 0.8679911741334149,
    'f1': 0.8790242371396122,
    'hashcode': 'bert-base-uncased_L9_no-idf_version=0.3.12(hug_trans=4.24.0)'}},
  'RougeMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'rouge': {'rouge1': 0.8215218996507581,
    'rouge2': 0.733657321947087,
    'rougeL': 0.822142299088887,
    'rougeLsum': 0.8234616367561287}},
  'MeteorMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'meteor': {'score': 0.7719667782949707}}}]

cc: @xhagrg @muthukumaranR

NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 5.3 (Testing NO_ANSWER classification accuracy)

Fine-tuning for 25 epochs on 78 unanswerable question

Here, we fine-tune the V6 model on only unasnwerable question (start/end indices are -1). This is to check if model can learn unanswerable questions (TargetType.NO_ANSWER). We use whole 78 unanswerable question/context for the same. We fine-tune for 25 epochs. And after inferencing on the same 78 data points, we found that the classification accuracy is only 16.67% Counter({'TargetType.SPAN_ANSWER': 65, 'TargetType.NO_ANSWER': 13})

Evalem result

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.7898480621066585}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.49572649572649574,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.8693825445385333}}},
 {'BertScore': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'bertscore': {'score': 0.8698257719859098,
    'precision': 0.8987084087143596,
    'recall': 0.856557988967651,
    'f1': 0.8698257719859098,
    'hashcode': 'bert-base-uncased_L9_no-idf_version=0.3.12(hug_trans=4.24.0)'}},
  'BartScore': {'bartscore': {'score': -2.0845768372727256,
    'model_checkpoint': 'bartscore-large-cnn',
    'model_weights': None,
    'total_items': 117,
    'flattened': True}},
  'RougeMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'rouge': {'rouge1': 0.8129755845780602,
    'rouge2': 0.7172201468956072,
    'rougeL': 0.8098182612872958,
    'rougeLsum': 0.811912951013968}},
  'MeteorMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'meteor': {'score': 0.7576563081672764}}}]

Vanilla v6 model

Using the vanilla v6 model, the classification accuracy was 0%.

Fine-tuned for 5 epochs

Classification accuracy of 6.4%.

Evalem result

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8461192003756203}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'exact_match': 0.49572649572649574,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'f1': {'score': 0.9094455238860134}}},
 {'BertScore': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'bertscore': {'score': 0.925027038806524,
    'precision': 0.95449644072443,
    'recall': 0.9068491787482531,
    'f1': 0.925027038806524,
    'hashcode': 'bert-base-uncased_L9_no-idf_version=0.3.12(hug_trans=4.24.0)'}},
  'BartScore': {'bartscore': {'score': -1.8274125056898491,
    'model_checkpoint': 'bartscore-large-cnn',
    'model_weights': None,
    'total_items': 117,
    'flattened': True}},
  'RougeMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'rouge': {'rouge1': 0.8809201723626585,
    'rouge2': 0.7944845266233733,
    'rougeL': 0.8778573242297767,
    'rougeLsum': 0.8815012393897714}},
  'MeteorMetric': {'total_items': 117,
   'empty_items': 0,
   'meteor': {'score': 0.8142538435596486}}}]


cc: @muthukumaranR

NISH1001 commented 1 year ago

Update 6 (Squadv2 fine-tuning Classification head)

We fine-tune NASA v6 model on the 113k squad v2 dataset to learn impossible answers.

checkpoint imp_count impossibilities AccuracyMetric ExactMatchMetric F1Metric BertScore BartScore rouge1 rouge2 rougeL rougeLsum MeteorMetric
checkpoint-679 18 0.23076923076923078 0.7237731120382738 0.37209302325581395 0.8267948424845446 0.8407947708700978 -3.546640660772976 0.7687902386496759 0.6438440333129436 0.7704737196647233 0.770284747750026 0.6873938086854574
checkpoint-1359 14 0.1794871794871795 0.7492086639099467 0.38271604938271603 0.8504774277786713 0.8531065649456449 -3.6118257450751767 0.7922125739112171 0.6794054615118694 0.7951915301959707 0.793547946796979 0.7174579109342103
checkpoint-2039 12 0.15384615384615385 0.7506705464023693 0.3625 0.8495404239398365 0.8549549337476492 -3.657258931133482 0.7968581258350768 0.6912613231270669 0.7977621006730667 0.7984314509784622 0.7251602700722106
checkpoint-2719 12 0.15384615384615385 0.7445566306364579 0.36585365853658536 0.8411176666487777 0.8507185727357864 -3.6051308423535438 0.7900940365512097 0.6882017598899468 0.7927470161820624 0.7935478891918374 0.7189063610460591
checkpoint-3395 12 0.15384615384615385 0.7423968573795459 0.36904761904761907 0.8401860227787743 0.8502603943149248 -3.557788890396428 0.7875391062055703 0.6765373472484382 0.7902922212189262 0.792395070897573 0.7116466365898267

The epoch-1 checkpoint (checkpoint-679) yields following evalem metrics on squad_v2 heldout sets

[{'AccuracyMetric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 1,
   'accuracy': {'score': 0.8868717802639483}},
  'ExactMatchMetric': {'total_items': 20302,
   'empty_items': 4,
   'exact_match': 0.6030150753768844,
   'flattened': True},
  'F1Metric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 1,
   'f1': {'score': 0.9054936590556527}}},
 {'BertScore': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 1,
   'bertscore': {'score': 0.9359343827188126,
    'precision': 0.9382273859236159,
    'recall': 0.9395118997441249,
    'f1': 0.9359343827188126,
    'hashcode': 'bert-base-uncased_L9_no-idf_version=0.3.12(hug_trans=4.28.1)'}},
  'BartScore': {'bartscore': {'score': -2.58893137244553,
    'model_checkpoint': 'bartscore-large-cnn',
    'model_weights': None,
    'total_items': 20302,
    'flattened': True}},
  'RougeMetric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 1,
   'rouge': {'rouge1': 0.9057619208070267,
    'rouge2': 0.5958566106015495,
    'rougeL': 0.9051587096760276,
    'rougeLsum': 0.9054059014325857}},
  'MeteorMetric': {'total_items': 5928,
   'empty_items': 1,
   'meteor': {'score': 0.7401154836791255}}}]


Table : NASA V6 model fine-tuned on ES dataset (not frozen)

checkpoint imp_count impossibilities AccuracyMetric ExactMatchMetric F1Metric BertScore BartScore rouge1 rouge2 rougeL rougeLsum MeteorMetric
checkpoint-1 0 0.000000 0.648563 0.316239 0.752371 0.799980 -2.935075 0.699827 0.586938 0.697715 0.700365 0.620332
checkpoint-3 0 0.000000 0.752506 0.382979 0.849651 0.858997 -3.200798 0.800872 0.671984 0.794605 0.797221 0.721241
checkpoint-5 0 0.000000 0.822445 0.445783 0.895975 0.902979 -3.212394 0.864582 0.749611 0.861217 0.860737 0.799884
checkpoint-7 0 0.000000 0.777219 0.405660 0.870073 0.876644 -2.568347 0.821760 0.718866 0.818622 0.817586 0.762200
checkpoint-9 0 0.000000 0.812671 0.427273 0.895768 0.897784 -2.244789 0.855293 0.766594 0.854760 0.854608 0.799363
checkpoint-10 0 0.000000 0.813520 0.427273 0.895905 0.896490 -2.238462 0.854913 0.761107 0.855206 0.853965 0.798013
checkpoint-12 4 0.051282 0.838136 0.448598 0.912923 0.907513 -2.247307 0.875378 0.780678 0.873396 0.874263 0.815640
checkpoint-14 59 0.756410 0.847073 0.472222 0.917019 0.915354 -2.159167 0.882529 0.784328 0.882285 0.880711 0.817893
checkpoint-16 60 0.769231 0.837538 0.459459 0.911673 0.913235 -2.111236 0.874106 0.780827 0.873819 0.872260 0.808995
checkpoint-18 47 0.602564 0.837957 0.460177 0.902840 0.916226 -2.040956 0.870217 0.795396 0.869844 0.870228 0.807535
checkpoint-19 49 0.628205 0.831072 0.447368 0.899297 0.913466 -2.035210 0.865367 0.788855 0.864640 0.864606 0.803030
checkpoint-21 58 0.743590 0.834757 0.452174 0.901473 0.912336 -1.974991 0.870022 0.798309 0.869298 0.868682 0.807074

