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Journal PDF changes #427

Closed leothomas closed 2 years ago

leothomas commented 2 years ago

The following changes were requested to the journal PDF:

leothomas commented 2 years ago

1) The items on the title page should only be (in this order): [see page 2 of attached document showing example of title page] Title authors [as initials, last name, superscript for affiliation] affiliations corresponding author Key points

The journal PDF generation process makes use of the AGU Latex class which exposes a \maketitle command. When latex generates a document, the \maketitle command gathers various items in the document (eg: \title{}, \authors{}, \keypoints etc) and organizes them according to the specification included in the AGU Latex class.

Given the fact that the AGU Journal Latex class generates the title page, I think there are 3 ways this issue might be resolved, in order of decreasing preference (preference = desirability-of-outcome / ease-of-implementation) ​

  1. I've misconfigured the \maketitle command, and fixing it will produce the correctly formatted title page

  2. I modify the agujournal \maketitle command to alter the order/format of the title page elements

  3. I forgo using the \maketitle command and format the title page using various latex commands to control positioning on page, margins, text font + size, etc.

  4. We have a discussion about this requirement and the fact that conflicts the AGU Latex template, in case the requirement is incorrect.

For reference, this is what the title page looks like, when generated by the \maketitile command: image

[EDIT: added authors as initials - still have to figure out how to remove correspondingauthor from footnote] [EDIT 2: customized AGU Latex template to remove correspondingauthor from footnote]

leothomas commented 2 years ago

2) the limit is 140 characters per key point (not 140 total)

This is handled in frontend - not addressed in API

leothomas commented 2 years ago

3) the Data availability section needs to be renamed to "Open Research". I will provide a new hint text for it.

Quick + easy implementation: rename section title only in PDF. Keep data_availability as key in database records + code Proper implementation: rename both section title and key, but in code base and database records

[EDIT: Done]

leothomas commented 2 years ago

4) Section numbers should not start until Introduction.

Similarly to item 1), sections and their numbering are handled by directly Latex. Options:

  1. Latex might have a way to "ignore" certain sections from the section number/table of contents scheme
  2. We have to implement a custom section header command that looks like a section header (size/font/format) but is actually just plain text "under the hood"

[ EDIT: Latex offers the ability to ignore/skip numbering by adding a * symbol between the \section keyword and the actual section title itself (eg: \section*{Non-numbered section}, as opposed to: \section{numbered section}) ]

[EDIT 2: Done]

leothomas commented 2 years ago

5) Subheadings should not be bold in the journal PDF

This needs clarification. In this picture: image

there are 4 "types" of section headers, the first two 5 Algorithm Description and 5.1 Scientific Theory use the \section and \subsection latex commands, respectively, the third one, 5.1.1 Canopy Directional Gap Probability and Vertical Profile Metrics (user generated subsection header) which is inserted into the document by the user, and uses the latex \subsubsection command, and the last is simply text content to which the the user has applied the bold formatting option.

@danielfdsilva can we clarify which one(s) of these Section headers should be non-bold?

leothomas commented 2 years ago

6) the Discussion section should come before the Data Availability (to be changed to Open Research). This means the order of sections in the Journal PDF needs to be (and only these) Discussion Acknowledgements Open Research References Currently there is: Contacts do not go here and Discussion needs to come first and Open Research (data Availability) after Acknowledgements 10 Data Availability 11 Discussion 12 Acknowledgements 13 Contacts References

This should be easy to implement in the PDF generation

[EDIT: Done]

danielfdsilva commented 2 years ago

@danielfdsilva can we clarify which one(s) of these Section headers should be non-bold?

@leothomas Only the top level headings should be bold. In this case "5 Algorithm Description". This should only be for the journal PDF though. It's a style requirement. The normal pdf can have clearer styling.

aboydnw commented 2 years ago

Assuming this was part of last month's release. We can reopen if not.