The pyQuARC tool reads and evaluates metadata records with a focus on the consistency and robustness of the metadata. pyQuARC flags opportunities to improve or add to contextual metadata information in order to help the user connect to relevant data products. pyQuARC also ensures that information common to both the data product and the file-level metadata are consistent and compatible. pyQuARC frees up human evaluators to make more sophisticated assessments such as whether an abstract accurately describes the data and provides the correct contextual information. The base pyQuARC package assesses descriptive metadata used to catalog Earth observation data products and files. As open source software, pyQuARC can be adapted and customized by data providers to allow for quality checks that evolve with their needs, including checking metadata not covered in base package.
Apache License 2.0
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Updates and Additions to UMM-C checks #176

Closed spa0002 closed 2 years ago

spa0002 commented 2 years ago

Check Updates:

Range Date Time Logic Check Range Date Time Logic Check Project Date Time Logic Check Project Date Time Logic Check Periodic Date Time Logic Check Datetime ISO Format Check URL Health and Status Check Delete Time Check DOI Missing Reason Enumeration Check Processing Level Description Length Check UMM Controlled Collection State List Ends at present flag logic check Ends at present flag presence check Data Contact Role Enumeration Check Controlled Contact Role Check Characteristic Description Length Check Organization Longname GCMD Check Instrument Short/Longname Consistency Check Instrument Shortname GCMD Check Instrument Long Name Check Platform Shortname GCMD Check Data Format GCMD Check Platform Longname GCMD Check Platform Type GCMD Check Campaign Short/Long name consistency Check Campaign Short Name GCMD Check Campaign Long Name GCMD Check Collection Data Type Enumeration Check Bounding Coordinates Logic Check Vertical Spatial Domain Type Check Spatial Coverage Type Check Campaign Name Presence Check Spatial Extent Requirement Fulfillment Check Collection Progress Related Fields Consistency Check Online Resource Type GCMD Check Characteristic Name Uniqueness Check Ending Datetime validation against granules Beginning Datetime validation against granules ISO Topic Category Vocabulary Check Temporal Extent Requirement Check FTP Protocol Check Citation Version Check Default Date Check Online Description Presence Check IDN Node Shortname GCMD Check Chrono Unit GCMD Check Platform Type Presence Check Horizontal Data Resolution Unit Controlled Vocabulary Check

Check Additions: GET DATA URL Check UMM Metadata Update Time Logic Check Future Date Check Data Center Long Name Check URL Description Uniqueness Check Periodic Duration Unit Check

slesaad commented 2 years ago

@spa0002 checks have failed, can you look at the details and see if you can fix that first?

slesaad commented 2 years ago

@spa0002 also would be nice if you can create an entry in the file about the added checks and update to say that it supports umm-c too