NASA-IMPACT / snwg-implementation

Tasks for the SNWG Management Office (MO)
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Cost Estimation: Participate (ex officio) in prioritization and down-selection processes. #35

Closed CherrelleTucker closed 1 year ago

CherrelleTucker commented 1 year ago

The SNWG Management Office holds a meeting with the Science and Applications Board to recommend SNWG solutions for implementation (mail to: / 256.961.7097): NASA formulates solutions to address the Earth Observations needs of federal agencies expressed through the biennial Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG) survey. The SNWG Management Office at MSFC manages several important steps in the SNWG cycle. For the 2022 SNWG cycle, a first meeting was held on March 20 with the SNWG Science and Applications Board (SAB) to review the ~40 solutions prioritized by thematic area leadership and down-select the solutions that will be recommended to the NASA Steering Committee and eventually proposed to the Executive Branch for implementation. SAB members include representatives from various NASA programs (ASP, CSDA, ESDS, ESTO, and R&A), partner agencies (NOAA and USGS), and the SNWG Management Office.

CherrelleTucker commented 1 year ago

Prioritization of Solutions to Meet Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG) Agency Needs (mail to: NASA is leading a tri-agency assessment of federal agency satellite data needs submitted through the 2022 SNWG survey. The second major part of the assessment process is identifying solutions–activities that NASA, NOAA, and/or USGS could undertake to help meet agencies’ needs. Nearly 110 solutions have been identified, and a subset of these will be proposed to OMB for funding after the assessment process is complete. The first step in down-selection is identifying which solutions would significantly benefit the agency needs in each of nine thematic areas. Over the past two weeks, NASA’s SNWG assessment principal Gerald Bawden, SNWG Management Office project scientist Pontus Olofsson, and assessment lead Katrina Virts have held prioritization sessions with the HQ leadership and Center co-leads of each thematic area. These sessions narrowed the list of solutions to ~40 that are most beneficial to NASA and to SNWG agencies. Further down-selection will be carried out in the coming weeks by the SNWG Science and Applications Board and ESD Steering Committee.