Closed CherrelleTucker closed 1 year ago
GMAO TTA reported by Larry Hill as signed, 5/9/23
2023-05-22 SNWG Internal Air Quality/Pandora (split into 3 sub-projects: Pandora Sensors (POC: Tom Hanisco), GMAO Forecasts (POC: Christoph Keller), and PM2.5 (POC: Pawan Gupta)- Action: @kvirts to follow up w/ Barry on site selections
2023-05-30 SNWG Internal Katrina to reach out to Barry on site selections; Katrina heard back from Barry. He’s in contact w/ State Dept, will reach out to Dept of Ag ASAP. Will keep Sean and Katrina in the loop.
All TTAs signed and baselined in SNWG MO Sharepoint
Prepare for Air Quality/Pandora Formulation to Implementation Decision Gate
Acceptance Criteria:
Risks -None currently identified