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SEP Newsletter Development #37

Open CherrelleTucker opened 3 months ago

CherrelleTucker commented 3 months ago

Ultimate Goal

A means of sharing stories, impact, updates, events, users about all the solutions. Would be fun, accessible, interesting. Could personalize the SNWG.


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CherrelleTucker commented 1 month ago

2024-07-11 SNWG SEP Weekly Meeting

Anita: Have been pulling stuff from the outward facing SEP guidance document for an internal document about how to engage with stakeholders; quarterly touchpoints between agency and implementation teams; a newsletter; updates each if just a status report Natasha: Jonathan expressed interest in LL-HLS but we hadn’t seen this connection; for example, he would see this in the newsletter (released fact sheets, webinar, etc.) Anita: Short high-level updates for as many solutions as we could fit into the newsletter; tailor it to this type of engagement Action: Anita to add the newsletter to the [project vision] documentation Example newsletter from PACE that we can use as a model: Jan2024_CoP-Newsletter_FinalV2.pdf The design takes the most time. Who has the time and the skills to do the design and formatting? Action: Ashley to put together a draft newsletter template for SNWG solutions Doesn’t have to look exactly like the PACE example Can think about column layout, colors for SNWG, etc. Natasha: Each newsletter may feature different solutions

CherrelleTucker commented 1 month ago

2024-07-11 SNWG SEP Weekly Meeting Follow-up with NIC (National Ice Center) regarding format issue Need low-latency information to provide info to coast guard, etc. Do this for Arctic, Antarctica, and East Coast. ICESat-2 QL would be beneficial for them. Need these data in shapefile format in order to use them (use ESRI). Need to be able to spatially subsetting the data so they could use the data regularly. NSIDC DAAC attended Notes from meeting: 2024-07-09 SNWG support USNIC's usage of the ICESat-2 quicklooks Pontus: Need to discuss how to move forward; want to talk to the DAAC to do training? They provided urls with material they have Anita: Things wanted in shapefile format were things the DAAC wasn’t going to provide in shapefile format; disconnect there Pontus: DAAC won’t be able to support producing shapefiles moving forward because of transition to cloud. Would like to talk with the NIC more to get a list of requirements and take that to the DAAC and see what’s possible Anita: Pay people at the DAAC to do a little extra work? ESDIS sets their budget/schedule - is there anyway we can support that or is it up to ESDIS to do that? Natasha: Depends on the DAAC. Certain DAACs are really open to this kind of stuff, but others are not. Think we should have a follow-up with the DAAC before reaching out to NIC. Test the waters with the DAAC and then get more requirements from NIC. Pontus: If the DAAC can’t help them, maybe we should find another partner (e.g. Penn State). Set up a pipeline to use ATLAS data in ArcGIS already. It’s important for NIC to be able to use the solution - big win Natasha: Need to make sure we’re coordinated with the right mission personnel (Amy Neeley - applications coordinator is focused on connected data with users). SNWG should be connected with the applications coordinators - this is something we should explore. Anita: Was the NIC the only end user for the QL products? Pontus: Hopeful there are other users but this is the only one I’m aware of. This connection came out of a conversation with Jason Taylor. Katrina: This 2018 solution has only been tied to a couple of needs (NIC and Eric Lulluet and Joe Sankowitz). We were not involved in the assessment for these. Katrina will see if any needs from later cycles were tagged to this ICESat-2 quicklook solution Found other names we could contact: Action: Reach out to the following individuals: Marilyn Murphy (, Sean Helfrich (, Davida Streett (, Eric Leuliette (, Joe Sienkiewicz (, Eric Bayler (, Jeff Key ( They submitted surveys for which the ICESat-2 solution was recommended. Anita: Who was funded? Katrina: Never managed this activity. Earliest POC was Tom Neumann, but now the POC is Nathan Kurtz Pontus: Is almost operational, making some improvements to the algorithm, but is more or less operational Anita: Problem with QL products was the 3-day latency for some end users. Format changes should be low-hanging fruit. Action: Pontus/Natasha/Anita collaborate and contact the NSIDC DAAC and then NIC (thank them for attending previous call, see if they can support shapefiles for the NIC, any other changes they are able to support, what are they working on, what’s in the current pipeline, interest in engaging with this user group, how to fund them, process for incorporating changes, any potential for hosting a workshop for NIC, any links in thank-you follow-up email to consolidate) LANCE is helping with the processing pipeline since they’re technically low-latency products. Natasha is connected to LANCE through Earth Action. Action: Natasha reach out to LANCE to see what other things we should be aware of from their side. QL are distributed through the NSIDC DAAC. Clay: Haven’t seen any new data since May 10 (on Earthdata search) Katrina: There may have been a temporary delay on data due to ICESat issues. Safe hold mode as of May 10. Expected to resume operations in mid-June Anita: This was not mentioned in the call yesterday, so maybe they’re not aware of it

CherrelleTucker commented 1 month ago

2024-07-25 SNWG SEP Weekly Meeting

Discuss using "Constant Contact" for the newsletter Constant contact is email-based; other type is a separate document. Action: Ashley get Constant Contact newsletter example from Deborah and share. $35 a month but consider a worth-while investment Can have multiple users; on HQ account Handles unsubscribing, had code for having “Subscribe to our newsletter here” text Natasha: The content in a CC newsletter might be shorter Ashley: Believe all of the content is in the email Natasha: Are there some examples? Ashley: Can discuss this more with the IMPACT Comms team this afternoon Natasha: Think about who would be in this group (subscribers to the newsletter) Identify Audience and purpose Anyone that has ever filled out a survey? Names from Jim Ellenwood? Could be within NASA as well? Request from JPL - Have quarterly webinar to share info about solutions, happenings - educate the community about what is going on Could invite guests from various solutions; ask an agency to present on how they use a solution if they’re willing Pontus: Could see Sean [Kerney] from ARS presenting Pontus: Should allow them to click to unsubscribe as well

CherrelleTucker commented 1 month ago

Natasha: For anyone interested in the CSDA Program, there's an informational webinar coming up. Is this the kind of thing we can also share with solution implementation teams? I'd advertise this in a newsletter :wink:

CherrelleTucker commented 5 days ago

comment copied from #47

Newsletter to all stakeholders updating on solutions, access, etc. that would connect end users to new solutions. Ashley will create a demo based on PACE.

CherrelleTucker commented 5 days ago

2024-08-29 SNWG SEP Weekly Meeting

Current status: questions - what are estimated staffing/budget needs? Tentatively, Rachel has the capacity to work on this and could pursue this topic. ConstantContact has capability to establish templates. Less sure about staffing for webinars. Next steps: Evaluate ConstantContact as platform to use and account creation or piggybacking. Action: Sean/Natasha/Rachel evaluate staffing needs and sustainable efforts. Check in: Sep 5, 2024