DCD previously put together summary charts for all SNWG solutions as a first pass. Given feedback, we are now using December metrics and March metrics to put together solution-specific metrics (rather than summary comparison metrics). At some point, we’d like another review to determine which charts are most useful and can create those charts moving forward with newly provided metrics.
Quarterly DAAC and ESDIS metrics for SNWG products in the SNWG EDS portal; individual issues to track
Summary Metrics March 2024 includes links to solution-specific metrics. All of this information is draft, so feedback is welcome. We’d like a better understanding of what we plan to use the metrics for, which ones appear to be the most useful, and which ones we should continue to create with updated metrics.
Internal DRAFT only
DCD previously put together summary charts for all SNWG solutions as a first pass. Given feedback, we are now using December metrics and March metrics to put together solution-specific metrics (rather than summary comparison metrics). At some point, we’d like another review to determine which charts are most useful and can create those charts moving forward with newly provided metrics.
Quarterly DAAC and ESDIS metrics for SNWG products in the SNWG EDS portal; individual issues to track
HLS Water Quality OPERA DSWx OPERA DIST OPERA DISP Low Latency Freeboard and Ice Thickness over the Great Lakes Sea Surface Salinity with Sea Ice Mask Access to High-Resolution DEMs Derived from Commercial Data Broader Access to Planet Data
Summary Metrics March 2024 includes links to solution-specific metrics. All of this information is draft, so feedback is welcome. We’d like a better understanding of what we plan to use the metrics for, which ones appear to be the most useful, and which ones we should continue to create with updated metrics.