NASA-IMPACT / veda-auth-central

Standard based security solution tailored for VEDA comprehensive user authentication, centralized user profile management, and intelligent authorization decisions.
Apache License 2.0
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Securely Expose VEDA Client Secret via REST Endpoint #55

Open lahirujayathilake opened 2 weeks ago

lahirujayathilake commented 2 weeks ago

Mitigate VEDA client secret exposure in SPAs by securely retrieving it from a backend endpoint

alukach commented 2 weeks ago

Push back if I'm misunderstanding this, but I worry that this won't be the appropriate fix for public clients like a SPA frontend. I don't believe that you will be able to establish an appropriate level of trust with a public client before sending a client secret.

The Authorization Code Flow w/ PKCE operates without a client_secret value. Rather than exchanging the authorization code + client secret (as is the case in standard Authorization Code Flow), a public client can instead send the authorization code + the generated code verifier. This way, no client secret is ever exposed to the frontend.