NASA-IMPACT / veda-data-airflow

Airflow implementation of ingest pipeline for VEDA STAC data
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Cognito landing page errors #170

Open ividito opened 1 week ago

ividito commented 1 week ago

In production, when attempting to authorize through the docs page, I get redirected to a Cognito error page at There might be a missing configuration value, but I can't figure out what it might be.

The same flow on the ingest API, which uses the same auth flow and client ID, brings me to the expected Cognito page, where I can log in successfully. The dev environment also worked for me, so I think this is environment-specific configuration.

cc: @botanical @anayeaye

botanical commented 1 week ago

Thanks, @ividito! I added the correct callback url to cognito app client, so it should work now.