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Remove intake-stac notebook? #136

Open jsignell opened 4 months ago

jsignell commented 4 months ago

Some new errors have cropped up in the intake-stac notebook and given the lack of maintenance on that library, I don't really see the value in recommending intake-stac at this point.

### AC
- [ ] Functionality contained only in intake-stac notebook is ported to other notebooks or rewritten using other libraries.
- [x] Intake-stac notebook is removed
Traceback ```python-traceback --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[14], line 5 1 sources = [item.assets["cog_default"].href for item in search.items()] 2 da_sources = intake.open_rasterio( 3 sources, chunks={}, concat_dim="year", path_as_pattern="_LAI_{year}_BD" 4 ) ----> 5 da = da_sources.to_dask().sel(band=1).squeeze() 6 da File [/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/intake_xarray/](, in DataSourceMixin.to_dask(self) 67 def to_dask(self): 68 """Return xarray object where variables are dask arrays""" ---> 69 return self.read_chunked() File [/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/intake_xarray/](, in DataSourceMixin.read_chunked(self) 42 def read_chunked(self): 43 """Return xarray object (which will have chunks)""" ---> 44 self._load_metadata() 45 return self._ds File [/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/intake/source/](, in DataSourceBase._load_metadata(self) 82 """load metadata only if needed""" 83 if self._schema is None: ---> 84 self._schema = self._get_schema() 85 self.dtype = self._schema.dtype 86 self.shape = self._schema.shape File [/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/intake_xarray/](, in RasterIOSource._get_schema(self) 100 self.urlpath, *_ = self._get_cache(self.urlpath) 102 if self._ds is None: --> 103 self._open_dataset() 105 ds2 = xr.Dataset({'raster': self._ds}) 106 metadata = { 107 'dims': dict(ds2.dims), 108 'data_vars': {k: list(ds2[k].coords) (...) 111 'array': 'raster' 112 } File [/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/intake_xarray/](, in RasterIOSource._open_dataset(self) 87 #files =, **self.storage_options).open() 88 if isinstance(files, list): ---> 89 self._ds = self._open_files(files) 90 else: 91 self._ds = rio.open_rasterio(files, chunks=self.chunks, 92 **self._kwargs) File [/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/intake_xarray/](, in RasterIOSource._open_files(self, files) 64 out = xr.concat(das, dim=self.dim) 66 coords = {} ---> 67 if self.pattern: 68 coords = { 69 k: xr.concat( 70 [xr.DataArray( (...) 74 for k, values in reverse_formats(self.pattern, files).items() 75 } 77 return out.assign_coords(**coords).chunk(self.chunks) AttributeError: 'RasterIOSource' object has no attribute 'pattern' ```
smohiudd commented 1 week ago

intake notebook removed in