NASA-IMPACT / veda-ui

Frontend for the Dashboard Evolution project
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[Data Catalog] Overview page redesign to accommodate many data types and interactions #840

Closed faustoperez closed 1 month ago

faustoperez commented 5 months ago


To make it more flexible and future proof, the data catalog overview page should accommodate different data types and link to different tools in the platform + incorporate more advanced functionality.

User story

A researcher wants to get authoritative information about how greenhouse gas emissions from land evolved over the last decade, to get a first indication for a hypothesis they have.

They find a relevant dataset (or concept page / story).

They can see that there are 7 different options to browse, study, or analyze the dataset(s):

The user can see that the tools differ in complexity and kind of study they support. After a quick browse in the Exploration interface, they decide to open the E&A interface.

They take note that there are many other options and the GHG Center promotes access to the data directly in the cloud and web browser, which may become relevant as they deepen their research.

Acceptance criteria

faustoperez commented 1 month ago

@aboydnw ☝️

aboydnw commented 1 month ago

There are a few different things to consider for this redesign. Some of this is already in the original comment, just jotting down my thoughts here.

Data Types

There will be lots of different types of data, that might require different tools for visualization and analysis. These include:

Some of these are hosted in our own platform, some integrated via third-party APIs, e.g. ArcGIS ImageServer, MapServer, other WMS sources, etc.

Connected Tools

Additional Information/Resources for Consideration

aboydnw commented 1 month ago

@j08lue when you get the chance, could you review the list above and double check if we are missing anything?

Also @faustoperez @j08lue I'm wondering if this satisfies the criteria on this PI objective for "Designed source-agnostic data model and dataset discovery UI"?

j08lue commented 1 month ago

I took the liberty to add a few lines and details to your list above, @aboydnw.

I'm wondering if this satisfies the criteria on this PI objective for "Designed source-agnostic data model and dataset discovery UI"

Getting the requirements down is an important first step. I'll add that as success criteria on the objective, so this progress becomes visible. I guess having actual UI designs / wireframes was quite a stretch.

And we do not need this new UI to integrate the first set of ArcGIS layers - those can also be usual Datasets with overview pages.

j08lue commented 1 month ago

@faustoperez and I talked a bit about this today. I think an important question is how to bring together

  1. Dataset context that the VEDA instance adds - prose, links to related stories, etc.
  2. Structured technical information (ideally from STAC)

To illustrate: Planetary Computer basically just renders the STAC collection metadata, consisting of a tiny bit of prose (description, providers, DOIs) and the technical metadata about coverage, assets etc.


We probably want to give users access to all the structured technical information, too, but the prose part might be expanded in VEDA to add instance-specific context.

Should we combine the two - VEDA prose and STAC metadata? Or keep them in separate tabs? Or link to STAC Browser for the STAC part? What if the data in STAC is not very rich or we want to keep the overhead of featuring the dataset in VEDA low?

faustoperez commented 1 month ago


faustoperez commented 1 month ago

Here are the designs for the Overview page. Please browse on Figma as the PNGs are too big to be all featured here.

Link to Figma file 👉

US GHG Center - Data Catalog - Overview

Summary of changes: