NASA-IMPACT / veda-ui

Frontend for the Dashboard Evolution project
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[E & A] Design a notification that prompts users to switch to using a desktop computer #866

Open faustoperez opened 2 months ago

faustoperez commented 2 months ago


The E&A interface currently does not work well on mobile devices. Our user research indicates that most people use it on desktop computers, primarily in a work setting. However, we acknowledge the importance of addressing this limitation.

As an initial measure, let's implement a notification for mobile users, advising them to access E&A using a desktop computer until we introduce mobile compatibility.

Acceptance criteria

aboydnw commented 2 weeks ago

FWIW, metrics back up this research. Only 8% of users on a GHG explore page were on mobile


faustoperez commented 1 week ago

Thank you, Anthony!

aboydnw commented 1 week ago

@faustoperez do you think it is safe to close this as not planned, or do you think 8% is high enough to warrant us throwing something up? I'm leaning towards closing, but let me know if you disagree

faustoperez commented 5 days ago

Please keep this open as it is a low effort task.