NASA-IMPACT / veda-ui

Frontend for the Dashboard Evolution project
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[Dataset Overview] Explore button should send user into E&A with layer enabled - for some datasets #914

Open j08lue opened 1 month ago

j08lue commented 1 month ago

For some datasets, the Explore button on the dataset overview page should send users directly into viewing a specific layer in Exploration & Analysis, rather than a filtered overview of the layers belonging to that dataset.

Acceptance criteria

j08lue commented 1 month ago

This needs some consideration - does this really improve UX, or degrade it because we break patterns? 🤔

aboydnw commented 4 weeks ago

@j08lue did this come as a request from a particular science team?

j08lue commented 3 weeks ago

This came from the GHG Center support team at IMPACT, I believe upon feedback from EPA who wanted to highlight a particular layer by default, so users do not need to choose first.

Considering the kind of user experience that is envisioned for this dataset in particular, we should consider viewing it not in E&A but in our "classical" single-layer Explore map interface. That would require the we support both in the same app, though, but that is possible.

  1. No comparison with layers from other datasets (we added the "sourceExclusive" logic for that)
  2. Show a particular layer by default