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Create new LIS-metforcing reader for GDAS netcdf files #648

Open karsenau opened 3 years ago

karsenau commented 3 years ago

A new met forcing reader in LIS is required for new netcdf-formatted GDAS files being generated.

@karsenau is working on first draft of the reader in LIS.

karsenau commented 3 years ago

New GDAS-NetCDF reader is generating identical results, when accounting for the entire GDAS domain read in and interpolated in LIS. This new reader is running somewhat faster than the Grib-1 format reader (without reading subsetted GDAS netcdf fields relative to the local parallel subdomains).

Next phase to the new GDAS-NetCDF reader will include updates to the reading and subsetting of the actual GDAS Gaussian grid, so the reader will be able to read the fields in parallel and achieve significant increases in runtime over the current Grib-1 reader. The Gaussian code within LIS' map_utils.F90 appears to be outdated and may require updates to support this feature.

karsenau commented 3 years ago

First version of the new GDAS-NetCDF4 reader can be found here: