APPS PDS Label Assistant for Interactive Design (PLAID). See an overview of the software on YouTube.
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Resolve #30 #33

Closed nutjob4life closed 2 years ago

nutjob4life commented 2 years ago

🗒️ Summary

Merge this if you dare to resolve #30. This rewrites the containerization so that the image is completely self-contained and can be run without a clone of the PLAID source code—as Docker intended 😅. It also parameterizes the docker-compose.yaml so that by default it's suitable for production but can be overridden for various scenarios including development. It also provides features to work with more SMTP servers than just JPL's, including supporting differing authentication and encryption mechanisms. And it gives instructions on how to do all this in development and in operations, summarizes all the possible env vars, as well as provides niceties like community health info and a Markdown-formatted license file. And it even gets rid of someone's macOS .DS_Store file that got committed 😇

⚙️ Test Data and/or Report

$ cd /tmp
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ cd venv
$ bin/pip install --quiet --upgrade setuptools pip
$ bin/pip install --quiet selenium webdriver_manager
$ curl --silent --location | sed -e 's/' -e 's/pass/x/' >
$ bin/python
$ echo \U+1F389

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