NASA-PDS / deep-archive

PDS Open Archival Information System (OAIS) utilities, including Submission Information Package (SIP) and Archive Information Package (AIP) generators
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Resolve #99 #101

Closed nutjob4life closed 3 years ago

nutjob4life commented 3 years ago

📜 Summary

This resolves #99 by putting the checksum¹ of the AIP label XML file into the <aip_label_checksum>² element of the SIP label XML file. Previously this was the checksum³ of the AIP checksum⁴ manifest file and the transfer manifest was ignored. Now, both the checksum⁵ manifest and the transfer manifest are ignored and the AIP label gets the checksum⁶ limelight.

🩺 Test Data and/or Report

fatalii 358 % date -u
Tue Feb 23 17:32:49 UTC 2021
fatalii 359 % sw_vers
ProductName:    macOS
ProductVersion: 11.2.1
BuildVersion:   20D74
fatalii 360 % python3 --version
Python 3.8.6
fatalii 361 % bin/test
Running tests at level 1
Running zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Set up zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
    13/16 (81.2%) test_logging_arguments (pds.aipgen.tests.test_utils.ArgumentTestCase)usage: 

  Ran 16 tests with 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skipped in 0.558 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
  Tear down zope.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
fatalii 362 % 

🧩 Related Issues

📝 Footnotes

¹Not a checksum, but a hash. ²Also not a checksum. ³Actually a hash. ⁴It's called a checksum manifest, but it contains the output of message digests, which are hashes. ⁵Again, not a checksum. ⁶"Sum" is right in the name, this is is not at all a sum; a message digest's output is a hash⁷. ⁷Yes this is all rather anal-retentive⁸. ⁸What do you mean, you've never seen footnotes in pull requests before? 🧐

jordanpadams commented 3 years ago

@nutjob4life looks good! It is kind of counter-intuitive, but i think the idea behind the design was a trail of validation, e.g. SIP -> AIP label -> AIP products . not sure if that actually happens in validate, but the opportunity is there...