NASA-PDS / deep-archive

PDS Open Archival Information System (OAIS) utilities, including Submission Information Package (SIP) and Archive Information Package (AIP) generators
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Test on Windows #76

Closed jordanpadams closed 3 years ago

tloubrieu-jpl commented 3 years ago

@jordanpadams should I move this ticket to next sprint ? Thanks

jordanpadams commented 3 years ago

New 🐛 identified #82

jordanpadams commented 3 years ago

New 🐛 identified #85

jordanpadams commented 3 years ago

Ran on Parallels Windows 10:

usage: pds-deep-archive [-h] [--version] [--include-latest-collection-only] -s
                        BUNDLE_BASE_URL [-d | -q]
pds-deep-archive: error: the following arguments are required: -s/--site, -b/--bundle-base-url, IN-BUNDLE.XML

C:\Users\jpadams\pds-deep-archive\test\data\insight_documents>pds-deep-archive -s PDS_GEO -b urn-nasa-pds-insight_documents\bundle_insight_documents.xml
INFO 👟 PDS Deep Archive, version 0.2.2
INFO 🏃‍♀️ Starting AIP generation for urn-nasa-pds-insight_documents\bundle_insight_documents.xml
INFO 🎉 Success! AIP done, files generated:
INFO 📄 Checksum manifest:
INFO 📄 Transfer manifest:
INFO 📄 XML label for them both: insight_documents_v2.0_20201022_aip_v1.0.xml
INFO 🏃‍♀️ Starting SIP generation for urn-nasa-pds-insight_documents\bundle_insight_documents.xml
INFO 🎉 Success! From C:\Users\jpadams\pds-deep-archive\test\data\insight_documents\urn-nasa-pds-insight_documents\bundle_insight_documents.xml, generated these output files:
INFO 📄 SIP Manifest:
INFO 📄 XML label for the SIP: insight_documents_v2.0_20201022_sip_v1.0.xml
INFO 👋 That's it! Thanks for making an AIP and SIP with us today. Bye!

diffed the files with those in the test/data/insight_documents/valid/all directory and all the diffs were expected.

and validate ran successfully:

$ ~/test/validate-1.24.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/validate -R pds4.label -t *.xml

PDS Validate Tool Report

   Version                       1.24.0-SNAPSHOT
   Date                          2020-10-22T17:12:42Z

   Targets                       [file:/Users/jpadams/Desktop/insight_documents_v2.0_20201022_aip_v1.0.xml, file:/Users/jpadams/Desktop/insight_documents_v2.0_20201022_sip_v1.0.xml]
   Rule Type                     pds4.label
   Severity Level                WARNING
   Recurse Directories           true
   File Filters Used             [*.xml, *.XML]
   Data Content Validation       on
   Product Level Validation      on
   Max Errors                    100000
   Registered Contexts File      /Users/jpadams/test/validate-1.24.0-SNAPSHOT/resources/registered_context_products.json

Product Level Validation Results

  PASS: file:/Users/jpadams/Desktop/insight_documents_v2.0_20201022_aip_v1.0.xml
        1 product validation(s) completed

  PASS: file:/Users/jpadams/Desktop/insight_documents_v2.0_20201022_sip_v1.0.xml
        2 product validation(s) completed


  0 error(s)
  0 warning(s)

  Product Validation Summary:
    2          product(s) passed
    0          product(s) failed
    0          product(s) skipped

  Referential Integrity Check Summary:
    0          check(s) passed
    0          check(s) failed
    0          check(s) skipped

End of Report
Completed execution in 4944 ms