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Phase 2: Develop CI/CD for NPM/React projects #69

Open jordanpadams opened 3 months ago

jordanpadams commented 3 months ago

💡 Description

Follow on to

Laying the groundwork for a future roundup requirement, let's create a new GitHub Action in a repo using NPM and test our what we want/need in order to support it.

For now, let's just build out the branch testing, unstable, and stable deliveries:

branch-cicd.yaml - install dependencies, build, verify success:

unstable-cicd.yaml - install dependencies, build, deploy to dev npm (NOTE: requires package.json to already be updated as indicated in README):

stable-cicd.yaml - install dependencies, build, deploy to dev npm (NOTE: requires package.json to already be updated as indicated in README):


nutjob4life commented 3 months ago

Quick question:

In this comment @eddiesarevalo suggests using npm publish --tag unstable, but @jordanpadams writes (in the issue description ↑) npm publish --tag beta.

I have no feelings either way. What would you prefer? @anilnatha, do you have a preference?

nutjob4life commented 3 months ago

I believe this pull request will close the following issues

jordanpadams commented 2 months ago

📆 03/2024 status: In work. On schedule

jordanpadams commented 1 month ago

📆 04/2024 status: Updated end date to better reflect the work needed to complete continuous deployment for these applications. No impact on delivery.

jordanpadams commented 3 weeks ago

📆 05/2024 status: In work. On track for 6/20 delivery.

nutjob4life commented 1 week ago

This epic talks about using GitHub Actions for CI and CD.

CI Part

I've indentified the following repositories as using Node.js (based on presence of the package.json file). These repositories need the Roundup's newest support for Node packaging and artifact hosting plus branch testing—the "CI" part (2 open PRs):

CD Part

These repositories are using Terraform (based on the presence of .tf files)—the "CD" part:


Note: there is no overlap.

The Node.js projects don't have Terraform files, and the Terraform projects aren't Node.js.

Question: do you want me to provide the GitHub Actions for "CD" for the Node.js projects even though they don't have any Terraform files, or provide the GitHub Actions for "CD" for the Terraform projects even though they're not Node.js? Or both?

nutjob4life commented 1 week ago

@nutjob4life to query @anilnatha which of the above "CI" repositories is ripest for CD and to provide the Terraform files + the GitHub Action to run them for CD.

nutjob4life commented 1 week ago

@anilnatha consider this your official query: of the repositories under "CI Part" in this comment, which one would you like me to ① create some Terraform files for and ② add GitHub Actions to use those Terraform files to make an automatic dev-tier deployment?

anilnatha commented 1 week ago

@nutjob4life None of the wds-* repos require terraform, and atlas is the repo for the PDS IMG Atlas Product Search tool that is hosted by PDS IMG so don't need to create terraform for it either. I can't speak for the other repos.

anilnatha commented 1 week ago

I would imagine that we need terraform for the s3-browser-* repos. 🤷🏽

@eddiesarevalo ?

jordanpadams commented 1 week ago

@anilnatha to rephrase the question, if we wanted to be able to view and/or test what you and Eddie are currently working on, what repository would benefit from continuous deployment and/or containerization? Note: This may change in the future once we get wordpress in the loop.

anilnatha commented 1 week ago

I think it's in our best interest to focus on flushing out the cloud architecture I initially proposed and building out the portal-wp repo. We don't have to have the wordpress architecture solidified right now, but if we could at least resolve the issues with building out the portals frontend containers and getting those served through CI/CD, it would be a big step forward.

nutjob4life commented 1 week ago

Okay so is the idea to make portal-wp be like a template repo that you duplicate so you can stand-up Wordpress sites easily or more as just a "model", as in, "here's how you'd do it as a fully-fleshed example"?

jordanpadams commented 1 week ago

@nutjob4life this will be the one and only. we don't care about other wordpress sites and how to deploy this. this can be as application specific as needed.