NASA-PDS / doi-ui

The web interface for the PDS DOI Service providing the ability management PDS archive DOIs. See the DOI Service for more details on the available capabilities.
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Doi release #15

Closed eddiesarevalo closed 3 years ago

eddiesarevalo commented 3 years ago

Added the forms and processes for releasing a DOI. Also added the astronomy thesaurus for adding keywords to the DOI metadata.

Resolves #2 Resolves #4 Resolved #11

eddiesarevalo commented 3 years ago

@tloubrieu-jpl I have a couple of comments and questions on some of the request items below:

TO CHANGE: I am not able to change the option lidvid or doi. _Since the API for getting by DOI is not yet implemented. The option to change has been disabled for now. For example getting by doi: http://localhost:8085/PDS_APIs/pds_doi_api/0.1/dois/10.17189%2F29052 Is not yet valid. However get by LIDVID does exist so it has been set as default and unchangeable for now._

TO CHANGE: I was not able to get an existing doi from its value. This is the same as for the previous response above. There is currently no API to get a DOI by DOI. Only by LIDVID so it has been disabled for now.

LATER: I was hoping to have auto-completion for DOI references (lidvid or doi) _This can be implemented using the API that gets all DOIs http://localhost:8085/PDS_APIs/pds_doi_api/0.1/dois_

LATER: I think we could have the option to select from lidvid or doi without having the user to select an extra-option. The pds's lidvid's always start with 'urn:' (see This will be possible once the get by DOI part of the API is complete.

TO CHANGE: PDS Label url entry does not work This input component is currently disabled as it does not yet exist in the API.

LATER: the xml would look nicer with colors... This will require a new solution. The real question is how much of an editor do we want to make this application? Should we focus on letting the user change the entire XML code or only the keywords?

There are a few different libraries for this. I am thinking of going with the simplest possible such as this one: which would provide coloring and formatting but not highlighting.

Should we also allow a download button for the user to download their revised version?

**TO CHANGE: when the DOI is released it creates a 500 error. What we should have is: • we need to add a "save" button which will post the record to the API (http://localhost:8085/PDS_APIs/pds_doi_api/0.1/ui/#/dois/post_dois) • when the user will click the release button that does:

  1. save the record with end-point http://localhost:8085/PDS_APIs/pds_doi_api/0.1/ui/#/dois/post_dois
  2. release it with api end-point http://localhost:8085/PDS_APIs/pds_doi_api/0.1/ui/#/dois/post_release_doi** _We can change the current implementation which sends straight to release. Just for clarification the (http://localhost:8085/PDS_APIs/pds_doi_api/0.1/ui/#/dois/post_dois) doesn’t show how to send the record. Since it wouldn’t fit as a url parameter should it be sent as a value in the payload called “record”?_