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[nssdca-delivery] PDS_ATM Pack#5 #288

Closed tinagueth closed 1 year ago

tinagueth commented 1 year ago

Discipline Node Information

NOTE: If you have multiple delivery packages, we strongly encourage you to submit these in batches of 3 to 10 per issue with one ZIP file of the packages and another ZIP file of the validation reports. Please use a descriptive title, such as "Node Mission misc batch #".

Engineering Node Process

See the internal EN process at

c-suh commented 1 year ago

@tinagueth just a friendly nudge to upgrade your Validate tool to the latest version (currently 2.3.0). Also a note that the moxie bundle has a file which was not found to be PDF/A-1b compliant. This is not a showstopper, so I'm passing it along to NSSDCA, and it might be fixed by upgrading Validate to its latest version, v2.3.0, so please upgrade the next chance you have. Thank you!

These 2 sets have been posted for NSSDCA processing. From tomorrow, you can check the status at using the SIP LIDs below:

SIP LIDs: urn:nasa:pds:system_bundle:product_sip_deep_archive:mars2020_meda_v1.0_20220801 urn:nasa:pds:system_bundle:product_sip_deep_archive:mars2020_moxie_v4.0_20220801

smclaughlin7 commented 1 year ago

@tinagueth @c-suh For this SIP LID


one product failed ingest, LIDVID _urn:nasa:pds:mars2020meda:document::4.0: For the file expected MD5 checksum b74a535f0e80b49248cfb52744b11a1d per the SIP manifest, but got be4bb0d6850a460b57cf034ca337c511 on fetching the file. The Deep Archive Package for this submission was created on 2022-08-01 but it appears the document collection's inventory file and XML label were changed on 2022-08-02, which probably explains the checksum mismatch. Solution: Make a new Deep Archive Package for this bundle and submit it to EN. Thanks!

This SIP LID had been ingested without any issues (Yay!):


tinagueth commented 1 year ago

@smclaughlin7 @c-suh I resubmitted the meda bundle, see #292 Hopefully the issue is resolved. Thanks, Tina

smclaughlin7 commented 1 year ago

@tinagueth @c-suh Thanks for resubmitting the meda bundle as #292, which should resolve the checksum mismatch on the document collection's inventory file!

Just a heads up: I noticed lists two secondary collections whose LIDs use the incorrect string "m2020_mission" for the mission bundle's LID instead of the correct string "mars2020_mission":

urn:nasa:pds:***m2020_mission***:document_camera Secondary bundle_has_document_collection


urn:nasa:pds:***m2020_mission***:miscellaneous Secondary bundle_has_miscellaneous_collection

This is not a big deal as far as NSSDCA ingest goes because we do not ingest secondary collections (or seocndary basic products). However for consistency with the mission bundle, those two secondary collection LIDs should be corrected in a future version of the meda bundle (and resubmitted to the NSSDCA if possible). I apologize for not catching this in previous submissions of the meda bundle!

Note: The mars2020 mission bundle product has LID urn:nasa:pds:mars2020_mission.


tinagueth commented 1 year ago

@smclaughlin7 @c-suh Lyle fixed those issues. Should I resubmit it again and we close/ignore this submission?

smclaughlin7 commented 1 year ago

@tinagueth @c-suh That was a rapid fix - Thanks!

I don't think Catherine has checked the meda bundle package you submitted this morning as #292.

Catherine, Is it OK if Tina remakes the deep archive package and validation report and uploads them to #292 with a note to please ingore the files submitted earlier today: and Thanks!

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

@smclaughlin7 @tinagueth that is fine. @c-suh is out on leave for the week, but I'm sure we will back on this next week.

tinagueth commented 1 year ago

@smclaughlin7 @c-suh @jordanpadams Thanks for letting us know about Catherine being on leave. How do I update a submission (i.e. #292 ) with the new tar.gz file (the validation report looks fine)? I have never done this before. Thanks

smclaughlin7 commented 1 year ago

@jordanpadams Thanks for filling in while @c-suh is on leave! As @tinagueth noted, we don't know how to update #292 with a new tar.gz file. Can/should #292 be simply be closed since we don't want to process that delivery, then @tinagueth could open a new ticket for the new tar.gz file?

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

@smclaughlin7 I just closed as wontfix. Go ahead with creating a new delivery.

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

@tinagueth ☝️

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

also @tinagueth @smclaughlin7 per wanting to update a tar.gz, you can just comment on the ticket. or I'm not sure if you are able to edit your submitted ticket or not:

Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 1 01 04 PM
tinagueth commented 1 year ago

@smclaughlin7 @jordanpadams I will re-submit the meda bundle in a bit. Also, when I try the edit part, it only lets me edit the name of the submitted delivery but not any of the attachments. Also, do note that #292 has to be closed/wontfixed update, not #288 as #288 also contains the moxie bundle, which had no problems.

tinagueth commented 1 year ago

@jordanpadams @smclaughlin7 @c-suh I resubmitted mars2020 meda_bundle again (#293) and gave the .tar.gz file a v1 indicator just to avoid any confusions. Thanks.

smclaughlin7 commented 1 year ago

@tinagueth :thumbsup:

tinagueth commented 1 year ago

@c-suh moxie_bundle has been archived, along with re-submission #293 for meda_bundle