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[nssdca-delivery] urn:nasa:pds:insight_twins #324

Closed tinagueth closed 1 year ago

tinagueth commented 1 year ago

Discipline Node Information

NOTE: If you have multiple delivery packages, we strongly encourage you to submit these in batches of 3 to 10 per issue with one ZIP file of the packages and another ZIP file of the validation reports. Please use a descriptive title, such as "Node Mission misc batch #".

Engineering Node Process

See the internal EN process at

smclaughlin7 commented 1 year ago

@c-suh Hi Catherine, Could you please process/post this delivery when you get a chance? Thanks!

c-suh commented 1 year ago

@smclaughlin7 oops; certainly. @tinagueth my apologies for the delay! This set has been posted for NSSDCA processing. From tomorrow, you can check the status at using the SIP LID below:


Stef, is it helpful for you to know ahead of time which year directory these are in? We've got the first of the 2023 packages!

tinagueth commented 1 year ago

@c-suh @smclaughlin7 No worries! I have been catching up with several smaller projects since coming back from break last week. Thanks for the update though :)

smclaughlin7 commented 1 year ago

@smclaughlin7 oops; certainly. @tinagueth my apologies for the delay! This set has been posted for NSSDCA processing. From tomorrow, you can check the status at using the SIP LID below:


* urn:nasa:pds:system_bundle:product_sip_deep_archive:insight_twins_v3.1_20230104

Stef, is it helpful for you to know ahead of time which year directory these are in? We've got the first of the 2023 packages!

@c-suh Every night around 5am our automated SIP puller scans and its yearly subdirectories and pulls any new SIPs (just the SIP xml label files, e.g. *sip*.xml), so we don't need to know ahead of time which year directory a SIP is in. However when you post a SIP (i.e., Deep Archive package) the year is important because the package needs to be put in the yearly subdirectory specified by the element in the SIP xml label file.

For example for this, the SIP xml label file insight_twins_v3.1_20230104_sip_v1.0.xml specifies the associated SIP manifest table file lives here:


So after we auto-download the SIP xml label, our front-end process cracks it open then uses the to download the SIP manifest table file. (Our front-end and ingest processes both work off the contents of the manifest file.) If the Deep Archvie package is stored in a different yearly subdirectory, we will still auto-download the SIP xml label but our front-end process will not be able to find the manifest file and will reject that SIP and not pass it to our ingest process.

Whew! (My apologies for this long explanation.)

tinagueth commented 1 year ago

@c-suh all SIP/AIP for this bundle have been archived