NASA-PDS / operations

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Incorporate JPL logo into header for PDS Eng WP #392

Closed c-suh closed 1 year ago

c-suh commented 1 year ago

in anticipation of URS

c-suh commented 1 year ago

have basics set up but need to wrap it into a plugin for the SAs to install.

c-suh commented 1 year ago

remove PDS logo entirely. Just say "PDS Engineering node" next to the NASA logo.

c-suh commented 1 year ago

Have this showing by utilizing an existing plugin (rather than writing another custom plugin). Am going to just scoot it over then this should be good. Clarification on previous comment: I already had the NASA-JPL logo alongside the PDS logo, and Jordan said this is fine.

c-suh commented 1 year ago

Header incorporated and footer updated to look like current websites. Will let appropriate parties know for review and close this issue. If the review says things need to be changed, will open a new ticket for those specific changes.