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[nssdca-delivery] urn:nasa:pds:magellan_gxdr::1.0 #468

Closed gbowen99 closed 3 months ago

gbowen99 commented 7 months ago

Discipline Node Information

NOTE: If you have multiple delivery packages, we strongly encourage you to submit these in batches of 3 to 10 per issue with one ZIP file of the packages and another ZIP file of the validation reports. Please use a descriptive title, such as "Node Mission misc batch #".

Engineering Node Process

See the internal EN process at

oddes commented 7 months ago

@gbowen99 Data Content Validation on the parameters section is showing "off" need to to be "on". Please see the attached report for additional details: mgn_gxdr_report.txt

Data Content Validation off

smclaughlin7 commented 6 months ago

@gbowen99 The URLs in the SIP manifest file "" are malformed, e.g. //isilon-pri-data/pds-san/data/mgn/urn-nasa-pds-magellan_gxdr/bundle_mgn_gxdr.xml. Please check with EN / @oddes, but you should be able to force the Deep Archive tool to form full URLs in the manifest, e.g.,

@oddes Can @gbowen99 upload the updated, replacement Deep Archive package (with corrected URLs in the manifest) to this ticket?

oddes commented 6 months ago

@smclaughlin7 Please go ahead and update.

smclaughlin7 commented 6 months ago

Please go ahead and update.

@oddes Just to clarify, @gbowen99 should make a new Deep Archive package and post it here (#468).

gbowen99 commented 6 months ago

Here is the updated delivery package with a corrected SIP manifest file: And here is the updated validation report with content validation enabled: mgn_gxdr_validation_report.txt

Let me know if there is anything else either of you need.


smclaughlin7 commented 6 months ago

@gbowen99 Thank you for posting the updated delivery package with a corrected SIP manifest file for @oddes!

c-suh commented 5 months ago

Hello @gbowen99! Thank you very much for the updated delivery package and my apologies for the delay. In validating the delivery package linked in your most recent comment, there are 2 different errors flagged multiple times. I am attaching the report below for your perusal; please address these then attach the twice updated delivery package and report like you did above. Thank you!

Additionally, I've noticed that you're using an older version of Validate and highly recommend upgrading to the latest version as it has the latest features and bug-fixes. Thank you!


Validation report: magellan_gxdr_v1.0_20231213-validate.txt

c-suh commented 5 months ago

Node's re-delivery of packages is currently blocked by this deep-archive bug.

jordanpadams commented 4 months ago

@c-suh I have attached an updated set of products above.

@gbowen99 we are in the process of fixing a couple bugs. Once those are complete, we will let you know so you can upgrade your tools and start submitting more packages.

gbowen99 commented 4 months ago

@jordanpadams thank you for the update!

gbowen99 commented 4 months ago

I accidentally clicked "Close with comment" on my last comment. Please ignore that.

c-suh commented 4 months ago

@gbowen99 the package which Jordan attached has been posted for NSSDCA processing! (The deep archive bug is still being addressed.) From tomorrow, you can check the status at using the SIP LID below:


c-suh commented 4 months ago

@jordanpadams this package, magellan_gxdr_v1.0, has been posted for NSSDCA.

c-suh commented 4 months ago

This package has been Submitted to Ingest:

c-suh commented 3 months ago

Same status.

c-suh commented 3 months ago

@gbowen99 this package has been validated by NSSDCA, submitted to Ingest, and Ingested. NSSDCA has now taken responsibility.