NASA-PDS / pds4-information-model

The software tools and data necessary for generating the Information Model including PDS4 ontology, data, and information model.
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B13.1 Updates per CCB-Approved SCRs #547

Closed jordanpadams closed 1 year ago

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

💡 Description

See sub-tasks for more details, but planned tasks include:

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

📆 January status: Delayed. No SCRs approved yet.

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

📆 February status: Work ongoing. Numerous CCB approvals coming in the next week.

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

All sub-tasks completed

miguelp1986 commented 1 year ago

@jordanpadams how should we be testing these sub-tasks? Also, I do not have access to PDS Jira to look at the details. Not sure if I should have that or not.

viviant100 commented 1 year ago

@miguelp1986 just send you the credential to access jira.

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

@miguelp1986 do you have the ZenHub extension installed? you should see several tickets below the initial comment:

Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 7 37 14 AM
jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

and thanks @viviant100 for getting the credentials sent

miguelp1986 commented 1 year ago

@jordanpadams I should've been more clear with my question, but some of the tickets say to search for a specific value from an attached PDS4 Information Model Specification and to verify that it's there. Here's an example:

Is this that's all that's required to test those kind of tickets?

jordanpadams commented 1 year ago

for those tickets yes. for others (e.g. Product_External or new audio formats), you will probably want to (1) inspect that those new classes and recommendations from the DDWG included in the attached PDFs or on the JIRA ticket were completed successfully (e.g. the create a test product and see if it works in Oxygen or with Validate. you will basically want to make sure the classes/attributes values are in the schema/schematron, and then (2) actually create 1 or more test products that include this information and try to validate them either using Validate tool or via Oxygen.