NASA-PDS / pds4-information-model

The software tools and data necessary for generating the Information Model including PDS4 ontology, data, and information model.
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IMTool Refactoring Phase 6 - use Protege dd11179.pins for class disposition #718

Closed jshughes closed 4 months ago

jshughes commented 4 months ago

This PR completes Phase 6 of the IMTool refactoring task, a several month effort that will ultimately allow the deprecation of the MDPTNConfigClassDisp.xml file, the PDS4 Class disposition file (XML format). The Class definition information in MDPTNConfigClassDisp was moved to the dd11179.pins file, a Protege database file based on the ISO 11179 schema and used by IMTool/LDDTool. The dd11179.pins file had been limited to PDS4 Attribute definition information. The dd11179.pins file schema was updated to also capture PDS4 class definition information.

This issue is related to issues #239, #306, #428, and #676. Only phases 1, 2, and 3 resulted in PR requests. Phases 4 and 5 were simply for accounting.

⚙️ Test Data and/or Report

The new output files were DIFFed against the previous output files. The only differences found were in the PDS4 Information Model Specification where certain entity lists were reordered. They are now in the correct order. For example, see the "data_object" entities after "curating_node_id". Below is a snippet illustrating the old order.

                            curating_node_id in Volume_PDS3
                The curating_node_id attribute provides the id of the node currently maintaining the data set or volume and is responsible for maintaining catalog information.             

            data_object in DD_Attribute
                The data_object association is a relationship to Data Object.

                Type: Association
            data_object in DD_Attribute_Full
                The data_object association is a relationship to Data Object.

                Type: Association
            data_object in DD_Class
                The data_object association is a relationship to Data Object.

                Type: Association
            data_object in DD_Class_Full
                The data_object association is a relationship to Data Object.

Resolves #717