NASA-PDS / pds4-information-model

The software tools and data necessary for generating the Information Model including PDS4 ontology, data, and information model.
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Remove the MDPTNConfigClassDisp file #766

Closed jshughes closed 3 weeks ago

jshughes commented 1 month ago

💡 Description

The IMTool/LDDTool code no longer uses the MDPTNConfigClassDisp file and so it can be removed. This file provided various properties for PDS IM classes. These properties have been moved to the Protege database. In addition to removing the file, all code and references associated with the file have been removed.

⚔️ Parent Epic / Related Tickets

This is cleanup associated with: IMTool Refactoring Phase 6 - use Protege dd11179.pins for class disposition #718