NASA-PDS / planetary-data-cloud

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As a user, I want to know how the CSS archive is organized and how users can find the data they need #90

Closed jordanpadams closed 4 months ago

jordanpadams commented 6 months ago

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🧑‍🔬 User Persona(s)

Data User

💪 Motivation that I can know how to find and use the data, and apply to AWS Open Data Registry

📖 Additional Details

See Step 2 from

Acceptance Criteria

Given the CSS archive When I perform the steps described in the newly generated documentation Then I expect to understand how the data archive is organized

Given the CSS archive When I perform the steps described in the newly generated documentation Then I expect to understand how to find a specific subset of data that I need

⚙️ Engineering Details

No response

viviant100 commented 4 months ago

CSS data structure is documented in (section 2 - Catalina Sky Survey Archive Bundle Structure).

tloubrieu-jpl commented 4 months ago

Hi @jordanpadams , during the standup we were wondering if we want a specific documentation for CSS here or a generic service for any archive on the cloud to be discovered by the users.

gxtchen commented 2 months ago

@tloubrieu-jpl where is our document that contains the information in