NASA-PDS / roundup-action

Do a "roundup", a/k/a PDS-style continuous integration and delivery
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Enable specific Java Versions be specified in config #14

Closed jordanpadams closed 3 years ago

jordanpadams commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I am pretty sure based upon the pds4-jparser failure that caused #13, that the reason for the failure is the ubuntu image used contains java11+, and pds4-jparser does not currently build with java11+.

it would be great if we could specify a specific version of Java in the roundup config. But we should investigate how much effort this would be and/or if it would make sense.

See this pds4-jparser Github Action run that was successful using the old snapshot workflow:

nutjob4life commented 3 years ago

@jordanpadams I'm thinking about adding a with parameter to the action that lets you specify additional packages to install pre-roundup. The JDK package could appear here. This'll also help with a use-case @tloubrieu-jpl encountered with a package that used numpy which had extra dependencies. Rather than include every possible dependency in the base Docker image for every possible roundup, we can let specific roundups get them.

Also, I like how this issue was created 5 days ago, but was marked delayed:1 4 days ago. Sheesh! I had just 1 day to complete it!? You guys are rough! 😂

jordanpadams commented 3 years ago

@nutjob4life sounds great!

per the delayed:1, that was def a miscommunication between @tloubrieu-jpl and I. removed :-)

tloubrieu-jpl commented 3 years ago

Hi @nutjob4life,

I am now having this error in pds-doi-service build: Error: /roundup-action/master/action.yaml (Line: 35, Col: 7): Error: /roundup-action/master/action.yaml (Line: 35, Col: 7): Unrecognized named-value: 'input'. Located at position 1 within expression: input.packages Error: Fail to load ***/roundup-action/master/action.yaml


It used to work. Do I need to add the packages option ? Which value should I have there ?


nutjob4life commented 3 years ago

Looks like there is a single, missing letter s. 🙄