NASA-PDS / roundup-action

Do a "roundup", a/k/a PDS-style continuous integration and delivery
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 4 forks source link

Resolve #14 #17

Closed nutjob4life closed 3 years ago

nutjob4life commented 3 years ago

📜 Summary

Fix #14 by providing a new Action with variable, packages, that lists the names of other packages to add to the container before doing the roundup. Also, the GitHub Actions Base now uses OpenJDK8 (the default for Maven 3 on Alpine Linux 3.12) so if you want OpenJDK11 now you can say with: packages: openjdk11 in your workflow.

🩺 Test Data and/or Report

There's no way to test this without a massive test harness (which would include: GitHub Actions ecosystem, actions runners, virtual machines, public key infrastructure, OSSRH stub, PyPI stub, etc.).

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