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EC2 Instance(s) to support U-Utah WRF runs #40

Closed aaarendt closed 5 years ago

aaarendt commented 6 years ago
robfatland commented 6 years ago looks like a recipe resource.

Adam quotes 100,000 core hours per simulation year; goal is to do 7 years.

On AWS the EC2 instance c4.8xlarge features 18 cores (2 vCPUs each) at $1.60 per hour but this is reduced on the spot market to $0.50 per hour.

For all 7 years: $19k or $2800 per simulation year. I suggest obviously running one year to see what the actual cost proves to be.

amanda-tan commented 6 years ago

We can also look into using EnginFrame to provision the runs.

aaarendt commented 6 years ago
aaarendt commented 5 years ago

Closing as I haven't seen any movement on this in a few months.