NASAWorldWind / WorldWindAndroid

The NASA WorldWind Java SDK for Android (WWA) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building 3D virtual globe applications for phones and tablets.
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WMS GLUtils.getType throws IllegalArgumentException: Unknown type #67

Open emxsys opened 7 years ago

emxsys commented 7 years ago

A client reported an exception when accessing a World Wind WMS. The following log was provided. It appears the client is accessing a WMS and loading the result into a surface image.

Note: In the log, the BBOX in the GetMap request has been obfuscated; the original request was valid.

09-29 22:54:04.556  1485  1588 E gov.nasa.worldwind: Image retrieval failed with exception '<hidden>&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE'
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind: RenderableLayer.doRender: Exception while rendering shape 'Surface Image'
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown type
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at android.opengl.GLUtils.getType(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Texture.<init>(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderResourceCache.retrieveTexture(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.render.RenderContext.retrieveTexture(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.shape.SurfaceImage.doRender(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractRenderable.render(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.RenderableLayer.doRender(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.layer.AbstractLayer.render(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicFrameController.renderLayers(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.BasicFrameController.renderFrame(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindow.renderFrame(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWindow.doFrame(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at android.view.Choreographer$
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at android.view.Choreographer$
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1485 E gov.nasa.worldwind:
09-29 22:54:04.571  1485  1588 E gov.nasa.worldwind: Image retrieval failed with exception '<hidden>&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE'
emxsys commented 7 years ago

I've been unable to replicate this error with either a malformed URL or a disconnected network. I tested the original GetMap request and determined the return type from GLUtils.getType on my device: GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 0x1401

I suspect an issue with the hardware configuration.