NASAWorldWind / WorldWindJava

The NASA WorldWind Java SDK (WWJ) is for building cross-platform 3D geospatial desktop applications in Java.
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Incorrect Result from LatLon's getCenter(Iterable<? extends LatLon>) Method #237

Open OneDeuxTriSeiGo opened 2 years ago

OneDeuxTriSeiGo commented 2 years ago


One of LatLon's getCenter() methods seems to produce the wrong result when the iterable of LatLons/Positions passed in cross over the Prime Meridian.

Specific Method:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a sequence of points that are on both sides of the prime meridian: (1,1), (1, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 1).
  2. Pass this sequence of points into LatLon.getCenter(Iterable<? extends LatLon> locations)
  3. The result shows up on approximately the opposite side of the globe from where the center should be.

Expected behavior: The result should be in the center of the points provided.

Actual behavior: The resulting point is on the opposite side of the globe as the expected center point.

Reproduces how often: 100% of the time.

Operating System and Version

Additional Information

Any additional information, configuration or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue.