NAUbackup / VmBackup

XenServer simple backup script
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vdi-export supports exporting only delta blocks #26

Open davisko opened 7 years ago

davisko commented 7 years ago

Is there currently support for incremental vdi-exports? This would be a highly desirable feature to me.

NAUbackup commented 7 years ago

It's supported in XenOrchestra. There are concerns in NAUbackup about the complexity of maintaining lots of information on base and incremental snapshots. It's certainly possible, but we do not have the resources to do this ourselves at present, and unlikely into the immediate future. I'm instead looking at volume-based snapshots using ZFS, which is more specialized to our environment.

iamdevnull commented 6 years ago

It would be a great improvement to support incremental backups.

We are migrating from qemu/kvm to Xenserver. Our backup solution was based on qcow2 snapshots. On sunday we merged all snaps to one base image. From monday to saturday we made incremental backups based on the base image. We did it with the cli virsh. The advantage was that only the base image had a big size but the incrementals were small. From my understanding a xva snap is always like a full backup.

NAUbackup commented 6 years ago

The hardest part of such an implementation would be how to track all the VMs and their individual backup increments, in between versions, etc. I honestly do not have the time or resources right now to tackle something that big. In fact, I don't have even a main developer any more, so for now, it's pretty much just me. If someone would like to tackle this and collaborate, I'd be willing to consider that route.