NAUbackup / VmBackup

XenServer simple backup script
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Email notification not sent if backup storage location is unavailable. #30

Open Nantris opened 7 years ago

Nantris commented 7 years ago

Notification emails work great for me when everything works, or if there is a problem backing up an individual machine, but when the storage location is inaccessible, no emails are sent. This doesn't seem right. Is this by design?

NAUbackup commented 7 years ago

Sorry about the delay in the response. Which storage location, the NFS mount? You are saying I believe if the destination backup storage share is not available, the script fails and no notification is generated, correct? If so, we would have to look to see if this test is made. Please confirm.

Nantris commented 7 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Yes that's correct. I skimmed through the code and I don't think it's being done, but again, I only skimmed through it.

NAUbackup commented 7 years ago

Good suggestion! Many ways to check, but one option might be tun run a Linux "touch" command to see if the destination area is both accessible and writable. What do you think of that?

Nantris commented 7 years ago

I think that sounds like a very reasonable solution. Are there plans to integrate this idea into NAUbackup in the future at this point, or would I be best off making a modification on my own when I find some time?

NAUbackup commented 7 years ago

We can certainly take a look or if you want to write some code and pass it on to us, we'd be happy to take a look and see if we can integrate it directly. Right now, we're focused on implementing regex to use for selecting VMs to back up as opposed to the current, more limited wildcard mechanism.

Nantris commented 7 years ago

I haven't found time to try yet. I'm not very good with Python, but when I have some time I assume I can figure this much out. I'll let you know how it goes.

NAUbackup commented 7 years ago

I have worked out the code to do this and tested it. We hope to incorporate this check into the next release, which should be soon (days to a couple of weeks).