A simulation of disease spread in livestock populations. Includes detection and containment simulation.
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Slow Imports #1014

Open BryanHurst opened 3 years ago

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

Importing legacy xml is very slow.

When it completes, the page doesn't update so you have to watch the cmd window to know when it is done.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

Here are the expected steps Legacy_all_steps2

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

Test was on Texas_nodepop.xml and TX_NAADSM_pop_yearling.xml

The entire import took exactly 20 minutes.

Reading the population took 8 minutes.
Reading parameters was also fairly quick.
Both of these seem to be CPU bound on a single core.

When we got to constructing the new scenario, this was maxed out on the HDD.
This happens in the "readParameters" function in after the reading of the parameters file.
This whole function is not optimized. The multitude of xml seeks are killing the performance. This could be fixed to initially reading the xml file into a custom in-memory data structure. However, this improvement would take several weeks of work.

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

Once the import was done, I was properly taken to the Scenario Description page

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

@BryanHurst Does that mean our different environments are causing the differences?

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

@missyschoenbaum Does the import take longer than 20 minutes for you?

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

@BryanHurst Historically, 20 minutes was expected. On this build it has been more like an hour. I can run again for more exact time.

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

Since I just saw 20 minutes, we'll say that is the goal.

Go ahead and try running the import again and see if it takes significantly longer than expected.

I'll run in production on my end and see if there is a noted difference.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

OK, have it going.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

Is there some portion of the import that would be dependent on internet quality?

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

Just the initial startup when it checks for updates. Nothing else should rely on internet quality.
Note that I'm also on a really bad internet connection today.

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

When I ran in production, the import took 21 minutes, so no significant difference.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

At 38 minutes, mine is at building airborne spread. Load pop took 8 minutes.

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

I've confirmed that the memory error is fairly consistent on this scenario. It happens on the first run of just 20 iterations.

It is the same GSlice array allocation issue within the CEngine as we have seen before.

This is something that Neil would have to look into.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

I am getting this today (new). First time I used TX_NAADSM_para and TX_NAADSM_pop_yearling (that I modified the xml). It failed. I tried with the other pop file that I hadn't tinkered with, in case I messed something up. Getting this after about 40 minutes. ImportFail2 Going to reboot, which I did earlier today before starting.

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

@missyschoenbaum what version does the program say you are running currently?

Hopefully it is

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

@BryanHurst I'm about 40 minutes into another import attempt. Will check when it wraps up.

start 11:55, still running 2:12 stopped it at 3:30, started again at 3:15 after reboot

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

Still running 5pm.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

@BryanHurst yes I am running Import did finished. I quit watching it at 5 and it was not finished.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

I'm trying HPAI MN now. Pop loaded quickly, within 3 minutes. Has been running 1hr 15 min at this point. UPDATE started 8:57 finished 10:39, no screen refresh after 10 minutes. Apply button is live and I can push it again. Manually hit save and got an updated screen.

ConradSelig commented 3 years ago

OK as per Bryan's request, I'm also running the imports through my build as well.

Just replacing the population, it took just short of 27 minutes. Using the "import legacy scenario" button, and importing both the population and parameters, the entire import took just under 11 minutes.

Interesting food for thought there. Hope this helps.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

@ConradSelig that's good to hear.

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

@missyschoenbaum can you confirm in the ADSM settings window that your workspace folder is on your computer's internal HDD?

If so, my next question would be if you have any way to confirm if your HDD is starting to fail? Since the import is I/O bound by the disk, if it is taking several hours to import, it could be pointing to HDD failure.

If we can rule out hardware issues, then we can move forward trying to track down the differences on the two systems.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

@BryanHurst I'm running both app and workspace on the desktop.

It is not beyond possibility that my HDD is starting to fail. However, it was also slow for Sarah, but she is running a student hand-me-down. It was slow on my home PC, which is slow on other things. Let me see if I can find a better PC, I have a couple of options.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

Took longer than expected to get PC option. Import worked within 10 minutes on new PC. Sarah also tried and hers loaded in 30 minutes on older PC.

However, it would not complete 50 iterations without throwing error

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same issue with not being able to complete any number of iterations over 20.

If @ndh2 is available to look at it in the next two days, that would be great. I'll follow up and see what we can get worked out.

missyschoenbaum commented 3 years ago

@BryanHurst I tried Beta just to check, and I am having it fail as well. I made a load test issue. Is there a way to step back through Beta and figure out when it last worked?

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

There is. I'll start stepping through previous builds and see what I find.

BryanHurst commented 3 years ago

It is confirmed that legacy imports are slow and the import process can use some major refactoring. Moving this to the backlog.