A simulation of disease spread in livestock populations. Includes detection and containment simulation.
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Production Type missing #1028

Open missyschoenbaum opened 1 year ago

missyschoenbaum commented 1 year ago

Problem Description When a production type is added (using the Production Type panel) but is not assigned to a unit in the Population tab, an error will occur. This will appear first in the command window, showing the message: b'\n (adsm_simulation:9332): ERROR : "test" is not a production type\n' However, validation can occur and allow the simulation to proceed. If the simulation proceeds, additional messaged will appear in the command window: BrokenPipeError: [WinError 232] The pipe is being closed Aborting Simulation Thread Additional messages are shown as well. The simulation will appear to be in preparation to run, but no iterations will complete. The error messages will repeat until you break the connection by closing the application (with the X). If the error message continues to cycle, it may eventually give a message similar to #960 C engine out of memory. A red error message will appear, noting that you should close the application. Solution Close both windows of the application using the (X). Reopen the application. Go to the Production Type tab, using “Edit”, assign at least one unit to the new production type.